
flutter assessment for Platform45

Primary LanguageC++


A new Flutter project.

Getting Started

This project is a is a flutter project for fetching data through an api and displaying it as a list view . The use case are as follows: -get json data through an API call from https://rapidapi.com/community/api/open-weather-map and display the information in a list views -pass data to the next page , using the selected list item as an index point , to populate all the remaining details of converted string object.

project Structure

Domian Layer - (Business logic) consist of :

-entity level which is independent from external framework(It consists of the classed object that will support the Use case) --city class --daily forecast class --List element class --temperature class -Usercase houses the logic for how the feature is suppose to behave --gets daily forecast

Data Laya - (Works with Data manupluation) consists of:

-Data Source this handles the funcinality for interacting with internal or external sourced of data --get remote data -Models they extend the entity class and convert external data source ( Json in our case could be XML ) into Strings that will be able to display in the list view --city subclass --Daily forecast class

Presentation Layer- ( handles the states and views) consits of:

DailyTemprature Getx generater file ( handles the state , view and control of the Ui) --daily temperature controller --daily temperature binding --daily temperature page

Packages to be used during the project

-- http , for calling api --mockito for doing mock tests whiile emulating the how our Api will behave --get for GetX manipulation --equatable to implement value based equality without needing to explicitly override == and hashCode -- Purify your Dart code using efficient immutable data structures, monads, lenses and other FP tools