
A gui for the headless place nl client

Primary LanguagePython

Headless Henk

A headless placeNL client written in python 3.10. This client has the advantage of using much less RAM than the headless firefox client.


The easies way to run Henk is using docker.

  1. Create an accounts.toml file somewhere
  2. In accounts.toml fill in your reddit accounts lke this:
username1 = "password1"
username2 = "password2"
username3 = "password3"
  1. Download the docker-compose.yml file (wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tintin10q/headless-henk/main/docker-compose.yml) to the same directory as accounts.toml
  2. Run docker compose up -d
  3. Run docker compose logs to show Henk's logs
  4. run docker compose down to stop Henk.

If you do not have docker installed run curl -sSL https://get.docker.com/ | CHANNEL=stable bash for windows use this guide

If you have trouble running the docker check out Run Henk with Poetry below. That method is also pretty easy.

This login method does not work with accounts with 2 factor authentication, disable it. If you have 2fa use the auth_token config.

Runnning Henk

You can run henk in 3 ways. Using poetry, pip or docker.

Run Henk with Poetry

This is the easiest if you do not want to use docker.

  1. Clone the repo git clone https://github.com/tintin10q/headless-henk.git and open it in a shell
  2. Install the dependencies by running poetry install
  3. run poetry run gaanmetdiebanaan

Instaling poetry

If you don't have poetry then install it with:

Linux Debian/Ubuntu based: apt install python3-poetry

Linux other curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 -

Windows: (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://install.python-poetry.org -UseBasicParsing).Content | py -

If you have problems with poetry just delete poetry.lock and try again.

Again, you start the client with poetry run gaanmetdiebanaan

After you run the installation script you still have to add poetry to your path.

Run Henk with Docker

There is also a docker available at: ghcr.io/tintin10q/headless-henk:latest. This docker supports every linux architecture you can imagine, so you can use your (old) Raspberry Pi as wel!

To install docker run curl -sSL https://get.docker.com/ | CHANNEL=stable bash

Create your accounts.toml file

Run docker compose up -d

It should just run.

If you want to edit your config you can edit the config.toml with you config. After editing, run docker compose restart.

To stop the compose, run docker compose down

Run Henk Using Pip

If you do not want to use poetry you can also just make a virtual environment yourself. Ensure you are running python3.10, run python --version. Henk won't work with lower python than 3.10.

First create accounts.toml as described and then run:

python -m venv .venv
. .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python gaanmetdiebanaan.py


You can configure Henk with using a config toml file or using env vars.

You can place 1 account in this configuration. If you want to use multiple accounts in the same process you have to use an accounts.toml.

  • You can configure the name of the accounts.toml with the --accounts flag.
  • You can configure the name of the config.toml with the --config flag.
  • You can configure the name of the token_cache.toml with the --tokens_cache flag.
  • You can configure the name of the rate_limit_report.txt with the --ratelimitreportfile flag.

Accounts Toml File

The accounts.toml file is very simple. It is just username="password" on every line. Like this:

username1 = "password1"
username2 = "password2"
username3 = "password3"

If you have weird characters in your username then this is also a valid accounts.toml:

"us.er.name1" = "password1"
"us er name2" = "password2"
username3 = "password3"

You can configure the name of the accounts.toml with the --accounts flag.

Toml Config File

You can set the options in a toml configuration file. By default, this file is config.toml in the same directory as the program. You can also change where this file is located using the --config flag.

If you start the program without a config file nor an accounts.toml present a basic config file will be created for you.

This is what the default file looks like:

reddit_username = 'ENTER USERNAME HERE!'
reddit_password = 'ENTER PASSWORD HERE!'
chief_host = "chief.placenl.nl"
reddit_uri_https = 'https://gql-realtime-2.reddit.com/query'
reddit_uri_wss = 'wss://gql-realtime-2.reddit.com/query'
canvas_indexes = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5"]  # Canvas indexes to download, Toml has no null we use 'None' 
stats = false   # Wether to subscribe to stats updates from chief
pingpong = false   # Whether the client should show ping and pong messages.
save_images = false   # Whether the client should save images, canvas.png prioritymap.png and chieftemplate.png

In the config file you can only use 1 account, if you want to use multiple accounts in one process use an accounts.toml.

Using an auth token instead of username

Instead of having reddit_username and reddit_password you can also have:

auth_token = "INSERT TOKEN HERE"

But if you do specify a reddit_username and reddit_password then the token will not refresh, and you have to replace it every 24 hours. Whenever you replace the token it will work for another 24 hours.

See the How to get a reddit jwt token section for information on how to get a reddit jwt token.

If you use the auth_token config it is still good to specify only reddit_username as this will still show up in the logs. The auth token is still used as long as you do not specify a reddit_password.

Env Vars

To use env vars you first have to set either the PLACENL_AUTH_TOKEN or both PLACENL_REDDIT_USERNAME and PLACENL_REDDIT_PASSWORD. If the PLACENL_AUTH_TOKEN or both PLACENL_REDDIT_USERNAME and PLACENL_REDDIT_PASSWORD env var are set then any config.toml file is ignored, and you can set the other vars as described in this table:

Name Default Description
PLACENL_AUTH_TOKEN The reddit jwt token to use. See the How to get reddit jwt section
PLACENL_REDDIT_USERNAME The reddit username you want to use
PLACENL_REDDIT_PASSWORD The reddit password you want to use
PLACENL_CHIEF_HOST chief.placenl.nl The host of the PlaceNL chief instance
PLACENL_REDDIT_URI_HTTPS https://gql-realtime-2.reddit.com/query The reddit https gql api endpoint
PLACENL_REDDIT_URI_WSS wss://gql-realtime-2.reddit.com/query The reddit websocket gql api endpoint
PLACENL_CANVAS_INDEXES [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] The canvas indexes to download, should be a json list with either 0-5 or null of exactly 6 elements
PLACENL_SUBSCRIBE_STATS false Whether the client should subscribe to stats updates from chief. Stats are always shown once on startup. Valid values are t, true, f, false (case insensitive)
PLACENL_PINGPONG false Whether the client should show ping and pong messages.
PLACENL_SAVE_IMAGES false Whether the client should save images it receives. canvas.png, prioritymap.png and chieftemplate.png

Because of the defaults you only have to set PLACENL_AUTH_TOKEN.

Here is a bash script which sets default env vars

Note that in the toml file the canvas_indexes are all strings. In the env var this different and it is a json array of numbers and null.

export PLACENL_CHIEF_HOST="chief.placenl.nl"
export PLACENL_REDDIT_URI_HTTPS="https://gql-realtime-2.reddit.com/query"
export PLACENL_REDDIT_URI_WSS="wss://gql-realtime-2.reddit.com/query"
export PLACENL_CANVAS_INDEXES="[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]"
export PLACENL_PINGPONG="false"
export PLACENL_SAVE_IMAGES="false"

If an accounts.toml file is present the contents of PLACENL_REDDIT_PASSWORD, PLACENL_REDDIT_USERNAME and PLACENL_REDDIT_AUTH_TOKEN env vars are ignored.

How to get reddit jwt?

You don't need a reddit jwt because you can just log in using an account and password. If you want to use multiple accounts create an account.toml and run Henk.

If you do want to run with a token then The easiest way is to just run login.py to get a token. This will also automatically add the token to the config.toml. You can also run login.py by doing poetry run login. Both running login.py and poetry run login support the --config flag.

If the login does it work

You can also go to the website:

  1. Go to r/place
  2. Open dev tools by pressing ctrl+shift+i
  3. Click on the network tab
  4. Locate the pause button but do not press it, it looks like a stop button on chrome.
  5. Place a pixel
  6. Wait until you hear the success noice
  7. Press the pause button to stop new request from coming in
  8. Now in the list of request find a post request to https://gql-realtime-2.reddit.com/query
  9. Click on the post request in the list
  10. Click on headers
  11. Find the Authorization header
  12. Copy the value of the authorization header. It should start with Bearer and then a bunch of letters seperated.
  13. Make sure you copy the entire token, you can probably right-click

Realize that these tokens are valid for about 1440 minutes. There is no auto token refresh functionality yet. This is also because I don't know how reddit refreshes their tokens. Let me know if you konw.

Be sure to not share this jwt with others! It is basically the same as sharing your password!

Using a proxy

To you a proxy you can define the following standard environment vars http_proxy, https_proxy, no_proxy, and all_proxy. Uppercase variants of these variables are also supported.

export http_proxy=""
export https_proxy=""
export all_proxy="socks5://"

You can put auth you want to use in the url like this: http://user:password@

For more infromation see requests proxy docs and httpx proxy docs

Downloading the Canvas

As a bonus feature you can run

poetry run downloadcanvas

to download the canvas. You don't have to put your auth token in config.toml or create an acounts.toml for this to work.

Shwowing number of auto placers

poetry run counter
