
Midi for Unreal Engine

Primary LanguageC++


Midi for Unreal Engine

MarketPlace: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/procedural-midi
Example Project: Updated 2/27/2017

This code provides an interface to read, manipulate, and write MIDI files. "Playback" is supported as a real-time event dispatch system.(Leffelman)

Original Credit goes to Alex Leffelman who created the Android Midi Lib - https://github.com/leffelmania/android-midi-lib Modified for Unreal Engine: Scott Bishel

http://groundsthirteen.webs.com/midi.htm - libraries for c++/c#/obj-c


  • Ability to import [drag & drop] Midi files in Unreal
  • Load/Play Midi
  • Built in Midi Device Interface
  • Choice between MIDI output device (ex. computer, synthesizer, etc) or generated audio playback [**]
  • Ability to connect external MIDI input device (ex. Midi Keyboard, Midi Fighter 64, any MIDI-equipped hardware) [**]

[Sending MIDI to/from another program or VST] is possible with a virtual MIDI driver. LoopMidi
--By sending midi data to the virtual midi device...you can have other apps be able to retrieve that data
-You can interact with the midi device by using the Midi Interface Component

** [Shown in Demo Project on marketplace]

Plugin Supports:

  • Windows(32/64): [Packaged+Tested+Works]
  • HTML5: [Packaged+Tested+Works but no sound]
  • Android(All): [Packaged+Untested]
  • Linus: [Packaged+Tested+Works]
  • Mac/IOS: [Packaged+Tested+Works]

Installation [Github Version Only / C++ Project Required]

[Caution: careful when you have marketplace and c++ plugins on same UE version as they may conflict with eachother]

Place MidiAsset folder in your Plugins folder in youe Unreal project

###Showcase: [Blueprint]

ScreenShot ScreenShot ScreenShot ScreenShot ScreenShot

###Example Usage: [Beta-Untested/C++]

Reading and Writing a MIDI file:

FString path;
TArray<uint8> data;
bool result = FFileHelper::LoadFileToArray(data, path.GetCharArray().GetData());
FBufferReader reader((uint8*)data.GetData(), data.Num(), false);
MidiFile midi(reader);


TArray<uint8> data;
FMemoryWriter writer(data);

Manipulating a MIDI file's data:

Removing a track:


Removing any event that is not a note from track 1:

MidiTrack& track = *midi.getTracks()[1];

TArray<MidiEvent*>::TIterator it = track.getEvents().CreateIterator();
TArray<MidiEvent*> eventsToRemove;

while (it)
	MidiEvent* _event = *it;

	if (!(_event->getType() == ChannelEvent::NOTE_ON) && !(_event->getType() == ChannelEvent::NOTE_OFF))
for (int i = 0; i < eventsToRemove.Num(); i++) {

Reducing the tempo by half:

	MidiTrack& track = *midi.getTracks()[0];
	TArray<MidiEvent*>::TIterator it = track.getEvents().CreateIterator();

	while (it)
		MidiEvent* _event = *it;

		if (_event->getType() == MetaEvent::TEMPO)
			Tempo* tempoEvent = (Tempo*)_event;
			tempoEvent->setBpm(tempoEvent->getBpm() / 2);

Composing a new MIDI file:

// 1. Create some MidiTracks
MidiTrack& tempoTrack = *new MidiTrack();
MidiTrack& noteTrack = *new MidiTrack();

// 2. Add events to the tracks
// Track 0 is the tempo map
TimeSignature& ts = *new TimeSignature();
ts.setTimeSignature(4, 4, TimeSignature::DEFAULT_METER, TimeSignature::DEFAULT_DIVISION);

Tempo& tempo = *new Tempo();


// Track 1 will have some notes in it
const int NOTE_COUNT = 80;

for(int i = 0; i < NOTE_COUNT; i++)
    int channel = 0;
    int pitch = 1 + i;
    int velocity = 100;
    long tick = i * 480;
    long duration = 120;
    noteTrack.insertNote(channel, pitch, velocity, tick, duration);

// 3. Create a MidiFile with the tracks we created
TArray<MidiTrack*>& tracks = *new TArray<MidiTrack*>();

MidiFile& midi = *new MidiFile(MidiFile::DEFAULT_RESOLUTION, tracks);

// 4. Write the MIDI data to a file
TArray<uint8> data;
FMemoryWriter writer(data);

Listening for and processing MIDI events

// Create a new MidiProcessor:
MidiProcessor processor();

// Register for the events you're interested in:
EventPrinter ep;

// Start the processor:
// This class will print any event it receives to the console
class EventPrinter: public MidiEventListener


    void onStart(bool fromBeginning)
	        UE_LOG(LogTemp, Display, TEXT("Started!"));
	        UE_LOG(LogTemp, Display, TEXT("Resumed!"));

    void onEvent(MidiEvent* _event, int track)
        //System.out.println(mLabel + " received event: " + _event);

    void onStop(bool finished)
	        UE_LOG(LogTemp, Display, TEXT("Finished!"));
	        UE_LOG(LogTemp, Display, TEXT("Paused!"));