"Movies Tracker" is a web application built with React and TypeScript that allows users to create a collection of their favorites movies. I created this project to mainly practice my skills in React and TypeScript, with focus on practicing CRUD Operations, routing using React Router DOM and data management with React Query.
- React 18.3.1
- TypeScript
- React Router Dom 6.27.0
- React Query 5.59.16
- Json-server 0.17.4
- React-fontawesome ^0.2.2
To run the project follow the steps bellow.
- Ensure Node.js is installed. To check it, run
node -v
in your terminal. - Clone this repository and install the dependencies
git clone https://github.com/ThaynaraLimaa/MoviesTracker.git
cd MoviesTracker
npm install
- This application uses JSON Server to mock the backend, so you need start it before running the application. In the project root directory, open a new terminal and run:
npx json-server db.json
- Start the development server
npm run dev
- To view the application, open http://localhost:5173 in your browser
- Add a Movie: Allows users to add new movies to their collection.
- Edit Movies: Users can edit movie details directly in their collection.
- Delete Movies: Enables users to remove movies from the collection.
- API Error Handling: Displays error messages when there are issues with data fetching or saving.
- Implement movie search functionality
- Add responsive design
- Sorting Options
- Enhanced Form Validation