
Haunted House Text Adventure Game for the Agon Light2

Primary LanguageBASIC


Haunted House Text Adventure Game for the Agon Light2, Originally written for Usborne books as a type-in game listing https://colorcomputerarchive.com/repo/Documents/Books/Write%20Your%20Own%20Adventure%20Programs%20(1983)(Usborne).pdf, I've added graphics and jazzed it up a little while porting it to the Agon Light 2.

Place haunted3 folder (contained within the "haunted3-main" folder C/W all sub folders and files in the root of your sdcard./haunted3/

Keep all images and maps in the correct folder structure.

CD into haunted3 folder

  • cd haunted 3

Load haunted3.bas
> LOAD"haunted3.bas"

Type N,S,E,W for one key movement control.

Type "HINT" OR "HELP" at any time during the game.

To use the "SAVE" or "LOAD" functions 1st make a directory named "saves" in the haunted3 folder.

You can save the game at any time, just type "SAVE" then enter a relative path ie, saves/save01 and press enter.

To load a saved game, just type "LOAD" at any time and enter a relative path ie, saves/save01 and press enter.
