
Haunted House IV Text Adventure Game for the Agon Light2

Primary LanguageBASIC


Haunted House IV Text Adventure Game for the Agon Light2, Originally written for Usborne books as a type-in game listing https://colorcomputerarchive.com/repo/Documents/Books/Write%20Your%20Own%20Adventure%20Programs%20(1983)(Usborne).pdf, I've added graphics & sound effects plus generally jazzed it up a little while porting it to the Agon Light 2. DOESN'T WORK IN ADL BASIC24.

Unzip haunted4-main folder C/W all sub folders and files to the root of your sdcard and rename it haunted4.

Keep all images and maps etc in the correct folder structure.

CD into haunted4 folder

cd haunted4

Load haunted4.bas

LOAD"haunted4.bas" RUN

Type N,S,E,W for one key movement control. Type "HINT" OR "HELP" at any time during the game.

You can save the game at any time, just type "SAVE" then enter a relative path ie, saves/save01 and press enter.

To load a saved game, just type "LOAD" at any time and enter a relative path ie, saves/save01 and press enter.
