Common klipper configs, macros, and scripts for Voron printers.
(!) = has important warning
Changes will be noted here by date, title if needed, files changed, summary of changes.
Note: only changes of signifigance will be added.
- 2021-XX-XX: (v1.0) The One Where It All Began.
> ssh <yourpiaddress>
> git clone
> cd ~/Voron-Klipper-Common
> ./
Modify your
to load config, the common macros, then your custom macros. This will allow you to override any config or macro if you choose.
[include configs/common/*.cfg] # Load common configs first
[include configs/*.cfg]
[include macros/common/*.cfg] # Load common macros first
[include macros/*.cfg]
[include printer_variable.cfg]
Modify your
to be notified of updates and install them via view you Web UI.
[update_manager voron-klipper-common]
type: git_repo
path: /home/pi/Voron-Klipper-Common
primary_branch: main
install_script: /home/pi/Voron-Klipper-Common/
is_system_service: False
- VoronDesign
- alch3my's measure thermal behaviour script
- alch3my's frame expansion script
- eecue's klipper_configs
- zellneralex's klipper_configs
- FHeilmann's klipper_configs
- Ellis's klipper_config
- th33xitus/kiauh klipper github backup
- Ette's enraged rabbit carrot feeder macro's for filament unload
- Voron-Stealthburner LED macros