
Repository dedicated to the Information Modeling and Web Technologies course taught by Prof. Fabio Vitali at the University of Bologna for the year 2020-2021.

The Daily Meal is a magazine about food, with currently three issues, respectively about Pasta, Hamburger and Ice Cream. The magazine can adopt 6 different typographic styles, by clicking on each button of the navbar. For each issue, a metadata viewer allows the user to select topics and compare them among the articles.

The website is following the LLLL: Leisurely Luscious Literary Lens framework:

  • Lens – This project is not about ONE issue of ONE magazine. It is meant as a repeatable and parametrized lens to evaluate different aspects of the same issue by reading and comparing side by side different articles on the same topic.
  • Literary – An open set of analysis criteria over the article should be possible, the most important of which is authority and keyword analysis. Other include sentiment analysis, rhetorical tricks, etc.
  • Luscious – Abundant, rich, interesting comparisons must be possible.
  • Leisure – The system should be fun and interesting, it does not have to be just serious and formal. We focus also on trivia, silly and funny aspects.

2021 © by Alice Bordignon, Constance Dami and Giulia Menna.