
This is a bot for gathering xp while you are sleeping


Gather xp while you are sleeping.

Warning this has not been tested on valorant patch 3.05 (https://playvalorant.com/en-gb/news/game-updates/valorant-patch-notes-3-05/) where afk detection was changes I am not responsable for any bans related to this bot

I am currently testing the code to see if it is still safe to do and if not I will consider changeing the code to avoid the afk detection

Warning This is in ALPHA there will be Bugs and issues

How to use

  1. Download zip file here and extract it
  2. Run setup.exe to tell the bot where everthing is
  3. once you have finished the set up run main.exe(it should start Valorant Automatically)
  4. enjoy


  1. sometimes Valorant is started as a child process instead of a parent process
  2. the pause function is not fully implemented

Report a BUG

Create a new issue in Issues

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