
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

osu! web

osu! that can be played in a browser

Music might not be perfectly syncing (±20ms on tested beatmaps).

(under development)

In case you haven't heard of osu!, it's a game where players click circles on the screen, following rhythm of the music.

It runs on Firefox & Chrome. It doesn't run on Safari currently.

Note: This is an unofficial implementation of osu!. It has nothing to do with @ppy. Scoring and judgement rules can differ from that of official osu!.

Modes other than osu! (std) are unsupported.


web page:


game in action:



Just set up a local web server with root directory located where index.html is in.

Current functions

  • audio offset: no
  • input offset: no
  • custom skin: no
  • beatmap hitsounds: no
  • supported mods: EZ DC HR NC HD AT



Game field: 512 x 384 (in osu! pixels)

Circle diameter: 109 - 9*CS (in osu! pixels)

Approach Time: AR<5? 1800-120*AR: 1950-150*AR

Scoring: (score for each hit) = judgement * (1 + (Combo before this hit) / 25)

Grading: (not implemented)

SS: acc = 1
S: acc > 0.95
A: acc > 0.9
B: acc > 0.8
C: acc > 0.7

Hit circle judgement:

300: +-(80 - 6*OD) ms
100: +-(140 - 8*OD) ms
50: +-(200 - 10*OD) ms

Slider judgement:

start of slider: same as hit circle

Spinner judgement:

Spins required per second: OD<5? 3+0.4*OD: 2.5+0.5*OD

300: Progress >= 1
100: Progress > 0.9
50: Progress > 0.75


Everything runs at clientside. just to make it easier to deploy.

source files

main.js start load resources, setup environment, respond to webpage


responsible for the settings panel on webpage: helping with visualization; store settings to localStorage; bring them into effect (before game starts)


decode .osu file & load music


defines `Playback` class, which creates & updates shapes in realtime, controls game update, judgement & display.


check hits (only hitcircles and start of sliders), called by playback.js. also handles input events


calculates combo, score, accuracy, HP & set them in display


skin stores all sprite textures in the game

hitsounds stores hit sounds

Most materials in these folders are copyrighted to ppy, licensed under CC-BY-NC.

In addition, the free osu beatmap mirror site sayobot.cn is used for displaying stars and length of beatmaps on the webpage.

members of Playback

plackback.js is getting long and hard to read at first glance so I'll list them here.

    var gfx // game field area
    this.hits // array of hitobjects (including sprites & display info)
    this.scoreOverlay // for calculating & displaying score, combo etc.

    this.calcSize = function() // determin gaming field & element scaling
    this.replaceHit = function(hit, zoom) // refresh position & scale of hitobjects
    window.onresize = function() // window resize handling

    this.newJudgement = function(x, y, depth, finalTime) // creating judgement object
    this.updateJudgement = function(judgement, time) // set judgement display

    this.createBackground = function()
    this.createHitCircle = function(hit, objects = hit.objects)
    this.createSlider = function(hit)
    this.createSpinner = function(hit) 
    this.populateHit = function(hit)

    this.updateBackground = function(time) // used for background diming animation
    this.updateHitCircle = function(hit, time)
    this.updateSlider = function(hit, time)
    this.updateSpinner = function(hit, time)
    this.updateHitObjects = function(time)
    this.updateUpcoming = function(timestamp) // add upcoming hit objects to stage & destroy expired hit objects

    this.playHitsound = function(hit, id)
    this.hitSuccess = function(hit, points, time) // handles hit event of hit circle or start of slider
    this.render = function(timestamp) // called in the main loop

    // depth attributes of objects are for display layering

Execution sequence

main.js loads other scripts needed -> load skin & hitsounds & local beatmaps

import a beatmap: get blob -> zip import -> osu decode -> put on webpage

play: check for skin & hitsounds -> launch PIXI app & audiocontext -> set gaming area on page -> start game loop, enter playback & start loading music


  • currently using sound.js for hitsound, but not music.

  • don't know what firefox and api and hash is for...

  • If a slider is longer than given PixelLength, just truncated it -- This is what's done officially

  • About mesh antialiasing: just blur the texture a little bit...

  • layering: approach circle > hit circle > slider ball > follow circle > slider body

Notes from ddevault/osuweb

For getting replays


h is the md5 hash of the map? c is the replay to get u is neccessary and it has to match my cookies, fuck that shit

For getting scores:

s=0 # dunno
vv=2 # dunno
v=1 # dunno
c=da8aae79c8f3306b5d65ec951874a7fb # dunno
f=xi+-+FREEDOM+DiVE+%28Nakagawa-Kanon%29+[FOUR+DIMENSIONS].osu # file name for the difficulty?
m=0 # game mode?
i=39804 # dunno
mods=0 # obvious
h= # dunno
a=0 # dunno
us=SirCmpwn # obvious
ha=531445fb945017068978ed385051c204 # hash of beatmap

Works without the cookies, but needs the username