
Primary LanguageTypeScriptCreative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-SA-4.0

Config - v3.0.0 for SPT 3.4.2

  • Enabled -- Whether the enitre mod is enabled. Takes [true] or [false]
  • T7
    • Enabled -- Whether changes to the T-7 Thermal Googles should be made. Takes [true] or [false]
    • Mode -- Whether to use a Heat or Hue Colormap. Takes [heat], [hue], [default] or [whithot]
    • Spectrum -- Whether to limit the spectrum or not (limited is much more usable). Takes [true] or [false]
    • Noise -- Whether to apply noise. Takes [true] or [false]
    • MotionBlur -- Whether to apply motion blur. Takes [true] or [false]
    • FPSLimit -- Whether to cap FPS. Takes [true] or [false]
  • PVS-14
    • Enabled -- Whether changes to the AN/PVS-14 Night Vision Monocular should be made. Takes [true] or [false]
    • Noise -- Whether to apply noise. Takes [true] or [false]
    • Color -- Color Filter: Takes r,g,b,a in 0<=n<=255. Default: 183, 255, 86, 254
  • PNV-10T
    • Enabled -- Whether changes to the PNV-10T should be made. Takes [true] or [false]
    • Noise -- Whether to apply noise. Takes [true] or [false]
    • Color -- Color Filter: Takes r,g,b,a in 0<=n<=255. Default: 0, 255, 32, 254
  • N-15
    • Enabled -- Whether changes to the N-15 should be made. Takes [true] or [false]
    • Noise -- Whether to apply noise. Takes [true] or [false]
    • Color -- Color Filter: Takes r,g,b,a in 0<=n<=255. Default: 0, 255, 243, 254
  • GPNVG-18
    • Enabled -- Whether changes to the GPNVG-18 should be made. Takes [true] or [false]
    • Noise -- WeWhetherther to apply noise. Takes [true] or [false]
    • Color -- Color Filter: Takes r,g,b,a in 0<=n<=255. Default: 83, 255, 69, 254


Hue and whitehot mode for the T7 looks horrible. This is for 2 Reasons:

  1. Most People are used to a different heat display ( which gets used because its better )
  2. I have not adjusted spectrum values for whitehot mode seperately.


alex - For creating the original version and for nudging me into the right direction of how this could work!