
πŸš€ "This project is your very first project as a student at Codam. You will need to recode a few functions of the C standard library as well as some other utility functions that you will use during your whole cursus."

Primary LanguageC

Libft πŸš€


"This project is your very first project as a student at Codam. You will need to recode a few functions of the C standard library as well as some other utility functions that you will use during your whole cursus."

Goal of project:

'C programming can be very tedious when one doesn’t have access to the highly useful standard functions. This project is about understanding the way these functions work, implementing and learning to use them. Your will create your own library. It will be helpful since you will use it in your next C school assignments.'

Skills I've learned / improved

  • Working with different kinds of variable types
  • Working with arrays (assigning memory and copying from and to arrays)
  • Creating linked lists
  • Writing tests for functions and fixing errors in the code