
Front-End mushroom foraging app with a vintage-inspired design. Written with JavaScript, HTML and CSS.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Version 1.0.0

MVP reached, basic functionality.

Version 1.1.0

Launch version including Mushroom Index and clear basket functions.

Meet the Fun-Guys!

  • Michelle Stermitz
  • Brooke Perkins
  • Josh Olloqui
  • Sarah Rector

Project Description

FungusAmongUs is an interactive, educational app that allows users to select a geographical region and learn more about the mushrooms commonly found in that region. The user can then opt to "collect" that mushroom and add it to their mushroom basket for reference later.

Problem Domain

During COVID it can be difficult to find activities that are outdoors where social distancing can be practiced easily. Mushroom hunting takes outdoor enthusiasts to areas not frequently visited, away from crowds but is often perceived as intimidating to beginners.