
My first python project with @billyx2000

Primary LanguagePython


* author 1: Belfodil Bilal
* author 2: Nollet Antoine

To launch the game, you have to call the function 'play()' .
If you call the function without paramater, it'll start a game with a human as player1 and the ia3 as player2.
You can enter 2 parameters, 2 strings, corresponding to who will play as player1 and as player2.
There are 5 parameters possibilities : 	- "h" , it corresponds to a human player
					- "ia1" , it corresponds to the computer who takes random decisions
					- "ia2" , it corresponds to the computer who takes random decisions except when he could win
					- "ia3" , it corresponds to the computer who takes the best decisions thanks to a system of score
					- "ia4" , it corresponds to the computer who simulates 1 round in the future to take the better decisions

To play, you have to enter in the python console the column where you want to play.
What you have to enter is an integer, else it'll ask you again and again to enter a valid column.