My first project with graphic interface To open the project, launch the file 'src/' Here the prezi presentation of the project :
At any moment you can leave with press 'q' (or 'a' if you have a qwerty keyboard) or click to the cross. (sorry, the cross is hidden, but you can find it) And you can go to the previous step by pressing echap.
The clip of beggining, you can pass it with echap.
Select the grid. (the 6th doesn't is like it looks) And select the theme of your game.
There music of the selected theme, press space to stop/play the music. Press return to pass to the next sound, and press delete to pass to the previous sound. Click to the player you want to move before move it with the arrows keys. If you press back, you go back one move before. If you click the final case, you go back to the beggining of the play.
Try to reach the final case of all levels !
Press the konami code to finish the game
If you have questions about this project, you can ask me by my email : Have a good day ! :-)