
The HackerHub website but in a web application form for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS.

Primary LanguageHTML

HackerHub WebApp

The HackerHub website but in a web application form for Windows, macOS, and Linux

  • These applications are also portable so you can put then on a USB Flash Drive and take them on the go


Operating System macOS Windows Linux Android iOS
Processor Architecture Intel 64-Bit 64-Bit     64-Bit                               64-Bit 32-Bit, 64-Bit
OS Version             10.9+       7, 8.x, 10 Debian Based (ie; Ubuntu, Linux Mint) 5.0 9.0+
RAM 128MB 128MB 128MB 128MB 500MB+

This was all made possible by nativefier an NPM application that can convert websites to local web applications that can be executed on macOS, Windows, and most Linux Distributions.

Note: 32-Bit iOS users may encounter some issues.
Note: iPhone 4S users may encounter some issues
