
Genomic coordinates of problematic genomic regions as GRanges

Primary LanguageROtherNOASSERTION


Genomic ranges of problematic genomic regions that should be avoided when working with genomic data. For human, mouse, and selected model organisms.

TL;DR - For human hg38 genome assembly, Anshul recommends ENCFF356LFX exclusion list regions.

BED files of exclusion regions are available on the ENCODE project website (Amemiya, Kundaje, and Boyle 2019). Human (hg19, hg38) and mouse (mm9, mm10) exclusion regions are available. However, exclusion lists generated by multiple labs often create uncertainty what to use. The purpose of this package is to provide a unified place for informed retrieval of exclusion regions.

Naming convention: <genome assembly>.<lab>.<original file name>, e.g., hg19.Birney.wgEncodeDacMapabilityConsensusExcludable.

See make-data.R how to create the excluderanges GRanges objects.

Install excluderanges

if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) {
# Install the development version of Bioconductor (need 3.14 and above)
# BiocManager::install(version = "devel")
# Check that you have a valid Bioconductor installation
# BiocManager::valid()
# Install the package
BiocManager::install("excluderanges", version = "devel")

# BiocManager::install("mdozmorov/excluderanges")

Use excluderanges

Get an overview of what’s available

ah <- AnnotationHub()
#> snapshotDate(): 2021-10-08
query_data <- query(ah, "excluderanges")
#> AnnotationHub with 42 records
#> # snapshotDate(): 2021-10-08
#> # $dataprovider: UCSC, ENCODE, mitra.stanford.edu/kundaje/akundaje/release/b...
#> # $species: Homo sapiens, Mus musculus, Drosophila melanogaster, Caenorhabdi...
#> # $rdataclass: GRanges
#> # additional mcols(): taxonomyid, genome, description,
#> #   coordinate_1_based, maintainer, rdatadateadded, preparerclass, tags,
#> #   rdatapath, sourceurl, sourcetype 
#> # retrieve records with, e.g., 'object[["AH95908"]]' 
#>             title                                                    
#>   AH95908 | ce10.Kundaje.ce10-Excludable.rds                         
#>   AH95909 | dm3.Kundaje.dm3-Excludable.rds                           
#>   AH95910 | hg19.Bernstein.Mint_Excludable_hg19.rds                  
#>   AH95911 | hg19.Birney.wgEncodeDacMapabilityConsensusExcludable.rds 
#>   AH95912 | hg19.Crawford.wgEncodeDukeMapabilityRegionsExcludable.rds
#>   ...       ...                                                      
#>   AH95945 | mm10.UCSC.telomere.rds                                   
#>   AH95946 | mm9.UCSC.centromere.rds                                  
#>   AH95947 | mm9.UCSC.contig.rds                                      
#>   AH95948 | mm9.UCSC.fragment.rds                                    
#>   AH95949 | mm10.UCSC.scaffold.rds

hg38 excluderanges coordinates recommended by Anshul

# Check titles
# as.data.frame(mcols(query_data[1:10])["title"]) 
excludeGR.hg38.Kundaje.1 <- query_data[["AH95917"]]
#> loading from cache
#> Loading required package: GenomicRanges
#> Loading required package: stats4
#> Loading required package: S4Vectors
#> Attaching package: 'S4Vectors'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     expand.grid, I, unname
#> Loading required package: IRanges
#> Loading required package: GenomeInfoDb
#> GRanges object with 910 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
#>         seqnames            ranges strand
#>            <Rle>         <IRanges>  <Rle>
#>     [1]     chr1     628903-635104      *
#>     [2]     chr1   5850087-5850571      *
#>     [3]     chr1   8909610-8910014      *
#>     [4]     chr1   9574580-9574997      *
#>     [5]     chr1 32043823-32044203      *
#>     ...      ...               ...    ...
#>   [906]     chrY 11290797-11334278      *
#>   [907]     chrY 11493053-11592850      *
#>   [908]     chrY 11671014-11671046      *
#>   [909]     chrY 11721528-11749472      *
#>   [910]     chrY 56694632-56889743      *
#>   -------
#>   seqinfo: 24 sequences from hg38 genome

Save the data in a BED file, if needed.

rtracklayer::export(excludeGR.hg38.Kundaje.1, "hg38.Kundaje.GRCh38_unified_Excludable.bed", format = "bed")

We can load other excludable regions for the hg38 genome assembly and compare them.

query_data <- query(ah, c("excluderanges", "hg38", "Exclusion regions"))
#> AnnotationHub with 6 records
#> # snapshotDate(): 2021-10-08
#> # $dataprovider: ENCODE
#> # $species: Homo sapiens
#> # $rdataclass: GRanges
#> # additional mcols(): taxonomyid, genome, description,
#> #   coordinate_1_based, maintainer, rdatadateadded, preparerclass, tags,
#> #   rdatapath, sourceurl, sourcetype 
#> # retrieve records with, e.g., 'object[["AH95915"]]' 
#>             title                                                       
#>   AH95915 | hg38.Bernstein.Mint_Excludable_GRCh38.rds                   
#>   AH95916 | hg38.Kundaje.GRCh38.Excludable.rds                          
#>   AH95917 | hg38.Kundaje.GRCh38_unified_Excludable.rds                  
#>   AH95918 | hg38.Reddy.wgEncodeDacMapabilityConsensusExcludable.hg38.rds
#>   AH95919 | hg38.Wold.hg38mitoExcludable.rds                            
#>   AH95920 | hg38.Yeo.eCLIP_Excludableregions.hg38liftover.bed.fixed.rds
excludeGR.hg38.Bernstein <- query_data[["AH95915"]]
#> loading from cache
excludeGR.hg38.Kundaje.2 <- query_data[["AH95916"]]
#> loading from cache
excludeGR.hg38.Reddy     <- query_data[["AH95918"]]
#> loading from cache
excludeGR.hg38.Wold      <- query_data[["AH95919"]]
#> loading from cache
excludeGR.hg38.Yeo       <- query_data[["AH95920"]]
#> loading from cache

Compare the number of excludable regions.

mtx_to_plot <- data.frame(Count = c(length(excludeGR.hg38.Bernstein), 
                          Source = c("Bernstein.Mint_Excludable_GRCh38", 
# Order Source by the number of regions
mtx_to_plot$Source <- factor(mtx_to_plot$Source, levels = mtx_to_plot$Source[order(mtx_to_plot$Count)])

ggplot(mtx_to_plot, aes(x = Source, y = Count, fill = Source)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
  coord_flip() +
  theme_bw() + theme(legend.position = "none")

# ggsave("man/figures/excluderanges_hg38_count.png", width = 5.5, height = 2)

Compare the width of excludable regions. log2 scale because of heavy right tail distributions.

mtx_to_plot <- data.frame(Width = c(width(excludeGR.hg38.Bernstein), 
                          Source = c(rep("Bernstein.Mint_Excludable_GRCh38", length(excludeGR.hg38.Bernstein)),
                                     rep("Kundaje.GRCh38_unified_Excludable", length(excludeGR.hg38.Kundaje.1)),
                                     rep("Kundaje.GRCh38.Excludable", length(excludeGR.hg38.Kundaje.2)),
                                     rep("Reddy.wgEncodeDacMapabilityConsensusExcludable", length(excludeGR.hg38.Reddy)),
                                     rep("Wold.hg38mitoExcludable", length(excludeGR.hg38.Wold)),
                                     rep("Yeo.eCLIP_Excludableregions.hg38liftover.bed", length(excludeGR.hg38.Yeo))))

ggplot(mtx_to_plot, aes(x = log2(Width), y = Source, fill = Source)) +
  geom_density_ridges() +
  theme_bw() + theme(legend.position = "none")
#> Picking joint bandwidth of 0.372

# ggsave("man/figures/excluderanges_hg38_width.png", width = 5.5, height = 2)

We can investigate the total width of each set of excludable ranges.

mtx_to_plot <- data.frame(TotalWidth = c(sum(width(excludeGR.hg38.Bernstein)), 
                          Source = c("Bernstein.Mint_Excludable_GRCh38", 
ggplot(mtx_to_plot, aes(x = TotalWidth, y = Source, fill = Source)) + 
  geom_bar(stat="identity") + scale_x_log10() + scale_y_discrete(label=abbreviate) +
  xlab("log10 total width")

# ggsave("man/figures/excluderanges_hg38_sumwidth.png", width = 6.5, height = 2)

We can compare Jaccard overlap between those sets of excludable regions.

# Jaccard calculations
jaccard <- function(gr_a, gr_b) {
  intersects <- GenomicRanges::intersect(gr_a, gr_b, ignore.strand = TRUE)
  intersection <- sum(width(intersects))
  union <- sum(width(GenomicRanges::union(gr_a, gr_b, ignore.strand = TRUE)))
  DataFrame(intersection, union, 
            jaccard = intersection/union,
             n_intersections = length(intersects))
# List and names of all excludable regions
all_excludeGR_list <- list(excludeGR.hg38.Bernstein, 
all_excludeGR_name <- c("Bernstein.Mint_Excludable_GRCh38", 
# Correlation matrix, empty
mtx_to_plot <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = length(all_excludeGR_list), ncol = length(all_excludeGR_list))
# Fill it in
for (i in 1:length(all_excludeGR_list)) {
  for (j in 1:length(all_excludeGR_list)) {
    # If diagonal, set to zero
    if (i == j) mtx_to_plot[i, j] <- 0
    # Process only one half, the other is symmetric
    if (i > j) {
      mtx_to_plot[i, j] <- mtx_to_plot[j, i] <- jaccard(all_excludeGR_list[[i]], all_excludeGR_list[[j]])[["jaccard"]]
# Trim row/colnames
rownames(mtx_to_plot) <- colnames(mtx_to_plot) <- str_trunc(all_excludeGR_name, width = 25) 
# Save the plot
# png("man/figures/excluderanges_hg38_jaccard.png", width = 1000, height = 900, res = 200)

# dev.off()

Note that some excludable ranges objects contain six columns, implying there may be some interesting metadata. Let’s explore one.

#> DataFrame with 401 rows and 2 columns
#>                       name     score
#>                <character> <numeric>
#> 1   High_Mappability_isl..      1000
#> 2         Satellite_repeat      1000
#> 3                 BSR/Beta      1000
#> 4   Low_mappability_island      1000
#> 5                 (CATTC)n      1000
#> ...                    ...       ...
#> 397                   TAR1      1000
#> 398       Satellite_repeat      1000
#> 399               (CATTC)n      1000
#> 400               (CATTC)n      1000
#> 401                   TAR1      1000
mtx_to_plot <- as.data.frame(table(mcols(excludeGR.hg38.Reddy)[["name"]]))
colnames(mtx_to_plot) <- c("Type", "Number")
mtx_to_plot <- mtx_to_plot[order(mtx_to_plot$Number), ]
mtx_to_plot$Type <- factor(mtx_to_plot$Type, levels = mtx_to_plot$Type)
ggplot(mtx_to_plot, aes(x = Number, y = Type, fill = Type)) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity") +
  theme_bw() + theme(legend.position = "none")

# ggsave("man/figures/excluderanges_hg38_Reddy_metadata.png", width = 5, height = 2.5)

One may decide to combine the excludable ranges from all labs, although from previous results we may decide to follow Anshul’s advice advice about the ENCFF356LFX exclusion list regions and use the excludeGR.hg38.Kundaje.1 object.

excludeGR.hg38.all <- reduce(c(excludeGR.hg38.Bernstein, excludeGR.hg38.Kundaje.1, excludeGR.hg38.Kundaje.2, excludeGR.hg38.Reddy, excludeGR.hg38.Wold, excludeGR.hg38.Yeo))
#> Warning in valid.GenomicRanges.seqinfo(x, suggest.trim = TRUE): GRanges object contains 1 out-of-bound range located on sequence
#>   chr4_GL000008v2_random. Note that ranges located on a sequence whose
#>   length is unknown (NA) or on a circular sequence are not considered
#>   out-of-bound (use seqlengths() and isCircular() to get the lengths and
#>   circularity flags of the underlying sequences). You can use trim() to
#>   trim these ranges. See ?`trim,GenomicRanges-method` for more
#>   information.
# Keep only standard chromosomes
excludeGR.hg38.all <- keepStandardChromosomes(excludeGR.hg38.all, pruning.mode = "coarse")
#> [1] 13239
#>    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
#>       5    1778    2306    8153    2859 5407757

Centromeres, telomeres, etc.

Besides the ENCODE-produced excludable regions, we may want to exclude centromeres, telomeres, and other gap locations. The “Gap Locations” track for Homo Sapiens is available for the GRcH37/hg19 genome assembly as a UCSC ‘gap’ table. It can be retrieved from AnnotationHub, but lacks the metadata columns needed to decide the type of gaps.

# Search for the gap track
# ahData <- query(ah, c("gap", "Homo sapiens", "hg19"))
# ahData[ahData$title == "Gap"]
gaps <- ahData[["AH6444"]]

The UCSC ‘gap’ table provides better granularity about the types of gaps available. E.g., for human, hg19, we have the following types and the number of gaps.

Those objects are provided as individual GRanges.

Naming convention: <genome assembly>.UCSC.<gap type>, e.g., hg19.UCSC.gap_centromere.

We can similarly load any gap type object.

query_data <- query(ah, c("excluderanges", "UCSC", "Homo Sapiens", "hg19"))
#> AnnotationHub with 7 records
#> # snapshotDate(): 2021-10-08
#> # $dataprovider: UCSC
#> # $species: Homo sapiens
#> # $rdataclass: GRanges
#> # additional mcols(): taxonomyid, genome, description,
#> #   coordinate_1_based, maintainer, rdatadateadded, preparerclass, tags,
#> #   rdatapath, sourceurl, sourcetype 
#> # retrieve records with, e.g., 'object[["AH95927"]]' 
#>             title                        
#>   AH95927 | hg19.UCSC.centromere.rds     
#>   AH95928 | hg19.UCSC.clone.rds          
#>   AH95929 | hg19.UCSC.contig.rds         
#>   AH95930 | hg19.UCSC.heterochromatin.rds
#>   AH95931 | hg19.UCSC.scaffold.rds       
#>   AH95932 | hg19.UCSC.short_arm.rds      
#>   AH95933 | hg19.UCSC.telomere.rds

gapsGR_hg19_centromere <- query_data[["AH95927"]]
#> loading from cache
#> GRanges object with 24 ranges and 6 metadata columns:
#>       seqnames              ranges strand |       bin        ix           n
#>          <Rle>           <IRanges>  <Rle> | <numeric> <numeric> <character>
#>     2     chr1 121535434-124535434      * |        23      1270           N
#>   184    chr21   11288129-14288129      * |        10        22           N
#>   199    chr22   13000000-16000000      * |        10         3           N
#>   206    chr19   24681782-27681782      * |         1       410           N
#>   224     chrY   10104553-13104553      * |        10       105           N
#>   ...      ...                 ...    ... .       ...       ...         ...
#>   439     chr6   58830166-61830166      * |        16       628           N
#>   453     chr5   46405641-49405641      * |        14       452           N
#>   460     chr4   49660117-52660117      * |         1       447           N
#>   476     chr3   90504854-93504854      * |         2       784           N
#>   481     chr2   92326171-95326171      * |        20       770           N
#>            size        type      bridge
#>       <numeric> <character> <character>
#>     2     3e+06  centromere          no
#>   184     3e+06  centromere          no
#>   199     3e+06  centromere          no
#>   206     3e+06  centromere          no
#>   224     3e+06  centromere          no
#>   ...       ...         ...         ...
#>   439     3e+06  centromere          no
#>   453     3e+06  centromere          no
#>   460     3e+06  centromere          no
#>   476     3e+06  centromere          no
#>   481     3e+06  centromere          no
#>   -------
#>   seqinfo: 24 sequences from hg19 genome

Centromeres for the hg38 genome assembly

Note that the UCSC ‘gap’ table for the hg38 human genome assembly does not contain genomic coordinates for the “centromere” gap type. These can be obtained from the rCGH package as follows:

# hg38 # data.frame
# Adjust chromosome names
hg38$chrom[hg38$chrom == 23] <- "X"
hg38$chrom[hg38$chrom == 24] <- "Y"
hg38$chrom <- paste0("chr", hg38$chrom)
# Make GRanges object
hg38.UCSC.centromere <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(hg38, seqnames.field = "chrom", start.field = "centromerStart", end.field = "centromerEnd")
# Assign seqinfo data
seqlengths(hg38.UCSC.centromere) <- hg38$length
genome(hg38.UCSC.centromere)     <- "hg38"
# Resulting object
#> GRanges object with 24 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
#>        seqnames              ranges strand
#>           <Rle>           <IRanges>  <Rle>
#>    [1]     chr1 121535434-124535434      *
#>    [2]     chr2   92326171-95326171      *
#>    [3]     chr3   90504854-93504854      *
#>    [4]     chr4   49660117-52660117      *
#>    [5]     chr5   46405641-49405641      *
#>    ...      ...                 ...    ...
#>   [20]    chr20   26369569-29369569      *
#>   [21]    chr21   11288129-14288129      *
#>   [22]    chr22   13000000-16000000      *
#>   [23]     chrX   58632012-61632012      *
#>   [24]     chrY   10104553-13104553      *
#>   -------
#>   seqinfo: 24 sequences from hg38 genome

The rCGH package also contains data for the hg19 and hg18 genomes. The hg19 centromere data is equivalent to the hg19.UCSC.centromere object provided in our excluderanges package.

Source data for the excludable regions

Object Number.of.regions Assembly Lab Number.of.columns Source
ce10.Kundaje.ce10-Excludable.rds 122 ce10 Anshul Kundaje, Stanford 3 http://mitra.stanford.edu/kundaje/akundaje/release/Excludables/ce10-C.elegans
dm3.Kundaje.dm3-Excludable.rds 492 dm3 Anshul Kundaje, Stanford 3 http://mitra.stanford.edu/kundaje/akundaje/release/Excludables/dm3-D.melanogaster/
hg19.Bernstein.Mint_Excludable_hg19.rds 9035 hg19 Bradley Bernstein, Broad 6 https://www.encodeproject.org/files/ENCFF200UUD/
hg19.Birney.wgEncodeDacMapabilityConsensusExcludable.rds 411 hg19 Ewan Birney, EBI 6 https://www.encodeproject.org/files/ENCFF001TDO/
hg19.Crawford.wgEncodeDukeMapabilityRegionsExcludable.rds 1649 hg19 Gregory Crawford, Duke 6 https://www.encodeproject.org/files/ENCFF001THR/
hg19.Wold.hg19mitoExcludable.rds 295 hg19 Barbara Wold, Caltech 3 https://www.encodeproject.org/files/ENCFF055QTV/
hg19.Yeo.eCLIP_Excludableregions.hg19.rds 57 hg19 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6 https://www.encodeproject.org/files/ENCFF039QTN/
hg38.Bernstein.Mint_Excludable_GRCh38.rds 12052 hg38 Bradley Bernstein, Broad 6 https://www.encodeproject.org/files/ENCFF023CZC/
hg38.Kundaje.GRCh38.Excludable.rds 38 hg38 Anshul Kundaje, Stanford 3 https://www.encodeproject.org/files/ENCFF356LFX/
hg38.Kundaje.GRCh38_unified_Excludable.rds 910 hg38 Anshul Kundaje, Stanford 3 https://www.encodeproject.org/files/ENCFF419RSJ/
hg38.Reddy.wgEncodeDacMapabilityConsensusExcludable.hg38.rds 401 hg38 Tim Reddy, Duke 6 https://www.encodeproject.org/files/ENCFF220FIN/
hg38.Wold.hg38mitoExcludable.rds 299 hg38 Barbara Wold, Caltech 3 https://www.encodeproject.org/files/ENCFF940NTE/
hg38.Yeo.eCLIP_Excludableregions.hg38liftover.bed.fixed.rds 56 hg38 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6 https://www.encodeproject.org/files/ENCFF269URO/
mm10.Hardison.Excludable.full.rds 7865 mm10 Ross Hardison, PennState 3 https://www.encodeproject.org/files/ENCFF790DJT/
mm10.Hardison.psuExcludable.mm10.rds 5552 mm10 Ross Hardison, PennState 3 https://www.encodeproject.org/files/ENCFF226BDM/
mm10.Kundaje.anshul.Excludable.mm10.rds 3010 mm10 Anshul Kundaje, Stanford 3 https://www.encodeproject.org/files/ENCFF999QPV/
mm10.Kundaje.mm10.Excludable.rds 164 mm10 Anshul Kundaje, Stanford 3 https://www.encodeproject.org/files/ENCFF547MET/
mm10.Wold.mm10mitoExcludable.rds 123 mm10 Barbara Wold, Caltech 3 https://www.encodeproject.org/files/ENCFF759PJK/
mm9.Wold.mm9mitoExcludable.rds 123 mm9 Barbara Wold, Caltech 3 https://www.encodeproject.org/files/ENCFF299EZH/
Object Number.of.regions Assembly Lab Number.of.columns Source
hg19.UCSC.centromere.rds 24 hg19 UCSC 9 http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTables?db=hg19&hgta_group=map&hgta_track=gap&hgta_table=gap&hgta_doSchema=describe+table+schema
hg19.UCSC.clone.rds 207 hg19 UCSC 9 http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTables?db=hg19&hgta_group=map&hgta_track=gap&hgta_table=gap&hgta_doSchema=describe+table+schema
hg19.UCSC.contig.rds 163 hg19 UCSC 9 http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTables?db=hg19&hgta_group=map&hgta_track=gap&hgta_table=gap&hgta_doSchema=describe+table+schema
hg19.UCSC.heterochromatin.rds 12 hg19 UCSC 9 http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTables?db=hg19&hgta_group=map&hgta_track=gap&hgta_table=gap&hgta_doSchema=describe+table+schema
hg19.UCSC.scaffold.rds 40 hg19 UCSC 9 http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTables?db=hg19&hgta_group=map&hgta_track=gap&hgta_table=gap&hgta_doSchema=describe+table+schema
hg19.UCSC.short_arm.rds 5 hg19 UCSC 9 http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTables?db=hg19&hgta_group=map&hgta_track=gap&hgta_table=gap&hgta_doSchema=describe+table+schema
hg19.UCSC.telomere.rds 46 hg19 UCSC 9 http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTables?db=hg19&hgta_group=map&hgta_track=gap&hgta_table=gap&hgta_doSchema=describe+table+schema
hg38.UCSC.contig.rds 285 hg38 UCSC 9 http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTables?db=hg38&hgta_group=map&hgta_track=gap&hgta_table=gap&hgta_doSchema=describe+table+schema
hg38.UCSC.heterochromatin.rds 11 hg38 UCSC 9 http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTables?db=hg38&hgta_group=map&hgta_track=gap&hgta_table=gap&hgta_doSchema=describe+table+schema
hg38.UCSC.scaffold.rds 478 hg38 UCSC 9 http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTables?db=hg38&hgta_group=map&hgta_track=gap&hgta_table=gap&hgta_doSchema=describe+table+schema
hg38.UCSC.short_arm.rds 5 hg38 UCSC 9 http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTables?db=hg38&hgta_group=map&hgta_track=gap&hgta_table=gap&hgta_doSchema=describe+table+schema
hg38.UCSC.telomere.rds 48 hg38 UCSC 9 http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTables?db=hg38&hgta_group=map&hgta_track=gap&hgta_table=gap&hgta_doSchema=describe+table+schema
mm10.UCSC.centromere.rds 20 mm10 UCSC 9 http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTables?db=mm10&hgta_group=map&hgta_track=gap&hgta_table=gap&hgta_doSchema=describe+table+schema
mm10.UCSC.clone.rds 114 mm10 UCSC 9 http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTables?db=mm10&hgta_group=map&hgta_track=gap&hgta_table=gap&hgta_doSchema=describe+table+schema
mm10.UCSC.contig.rds 104 mm10 UCSC 9 http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTables?db=mm10&hgta_group=map&hgta_track=gap&hgta_table=gap&hgta_doSchema=describe+table+schema
mm10.UCSC.fragment.rds 1 mm10 UCSC 9 http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTables?db=mm10&hgta_group=map&hgta_track=gap&hgta_table=gap&hgta_doSchema=describe+table+schema
mm10.UCSC.other.rds 384 mm10 UCSC 9 http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTables?db=mm10&hgta_group=map&hgta_track=gap&hgta_table=gap&hgta_doSchema=describe+table+schema
mm10.UCSC.short_arm.rds 21 mm10 UCSC 9 http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTables?db=mm10&hgta_group=map&hgta_track=gap&hgta_table=gap&hgta_doSchema=describe+table+schema
mm10.UCSC.telomere.rds 42 mm10 UCSC 9 http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTables?db=mm10&hgta_group=map&hgta_track=gap&hgta_table=gap&hgta_doSchema=describe+table+schema
mm9.UCSC.centromere.rds 21 mm9 UCSC 9 http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTables?db=mm9&hgta_group=map&hgta_track=gap&hgta_table=gap&hgta_doSchema=describe+table+schema
mm9.UCSC.contig.rds 281 mm9 UCSC 9 http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTables?db=mm9&hgta_group=map&hgta_track=gap&hgta_table=gap&hgta_doSchema=describe+table+schema
mm9.UCSC.fragment.rds 709 mm9 UCSC 9 http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTables?db=mm9&hgta_group=map&hgta_track=gap&hgta_table=gap&hgta_doSchema=describe+table+schema
mm10.UCSC.scaffold.rds 48 mm10 UCSC 9 http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTables?db=mm10&hgta_group=map&hgta_track=gap&hgta_table=gap&hgta_doSchema=describe+table+schema

Download all data from the Google Drive folder


Below is the citation output from using citation('excluderanges') in R. Please run this yourself to check for any updates on how to cite excluderanges.

print(citation("excluderanges"), bibtex = TRUE)
#> Dozmorov MG, Davis E, Mu W, Lee S, Triche T, Phanstiel D, Love M
#> (2021). _excluderanges_.
#> https://github.com/mdozmorov/excluderanges/excluderanges - R package
#> version 0.99.5, <URL: https://github.com/mdozmorov/excluderanges>.
#> A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
#>   @Manual{,
#>     title = {excluderanges},
#>     author = {Mikhail G. Dozmorov and Eric Davis and Wancen Mu and Stuart Lee and Tim Triche and Douglas Phanstiel and Michael Love},
#>     year = {2021},
#>     url = {https://github.com/mdozmorov/excluderanges},
#>     note = {https://github.com/mdozmorov/excluderanges/excluderanges - R package version 0.99.5},
#>   }

Code of Conduct

Please note that the excluderanges project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.

This package was developed using biocthis.


Amemiya, Haley M, Anshul Kundaje, and Alan P Boyle. 2019. “The ENCODE Blacklist: Identification of Problematic Regions of the Genome.” Sci Rep 9 (1): 9354. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-45839-z.