
Small class to request/receive/process data from the Aquaread AP-2000 sensor

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Small class to request/receive/process data from the Aquaread AP-2000 sensor


  • This code was originally intended to run on an arduino MKR WAN 1300 board
  • The code was made using the PlatformIO extension on Visual Studio Code
  • This code have been made using Arduino framework


  • envirodiy/SDI-12 version 2.1.4
  • arduino-libraries/MKRWAN version 1.1.0


  • Don't forget to edit the platformio.ini in case of any hardware or dependencies modification
  • Make sure the used LoRa board/module you use is compatible with the MKR WAN Arduino's library
  • This repository will probably never be updated, use with caution
  • Fill appEui and appKey (in main.cpp) with your own you get on TTN after creating an app
  • To see the debug prints on the serial define _DEBUG