
React - React Router

Primary LanguageJavaScript

7-1-2 Assignment

You are the commander of an intergalatic robot army. You need an app that will allow you to see and orgnize the members of your army. You will practice using React Router to build a multi-page, front-end UI.


Table of Contents:

Short Responses

Getting tired of this message yet? Do them first!

Technical Checklist

There are 14 tasks to complete and 1 bonus.

Your goal is to meet at least 75% of these requirements to complete the assignment. But don't stop there! Shoot for 100%!


  • Navigating to / renders the BotsPage
  • Clicking on a robot navigates the user to /robots:/id where :id is the id of the clicked robot.
  • Navigating to /robots/:id renders the BotSpecsPage
  • The BotSpecsPage renders the robot whose id matches the :id portion of the URL
  • Navigating to any other URL renders the NotFoundPage component
  • Wherever the GoHomeButton component is rendered, clicking on the button navigates the user back to the / page.

React Fundamentals

  • Uses BrowserRouter in main.jsx to provide routing to the entire App
  • Uses Routes in App.jsx to render multiple Routes
  • Uses Route to render a component based on the URL
  • Uses Link to render a component that redirects the user upon click
  • Uses useParams to get parts of dynamic URL
  • Uses useNavigate to programmatically redirect the user


  • Props are extracted in child components using destructuring
  • At no point did you ever use any vanilla DOM JS methods (e.g. document.querySelector or document.createElement)
  • Bonus: Your project has some extra CSS styling!

When you are finished, push your code up to Github and submit on Canvas.


The first two of these features are already implemented. The last two features are not. That's where you come in!

  1. On load of the path /, you will make a GET fetch to an API and display all 50 robots on the page via the BotsPage component.
  2. You should be able to filter the robots on the / page by bot_class, either Assault, Defender, or Support.
  3. Clicking on a bot should change the URL path to /robots/:id and display a single robot via the BotSpecsPage component.
  4. If the user types in any URL other than / or /robots/:id, a "Page Not Found" page is rendered via the NotFoundPage component.

You will need to utilize the following components and hooks from ReactRouter to complete these features:

  • BrowserRouter
  • Routes
  • Route
  • Link
  • useParams
  • useNavigate

Set Up

Make sure you cd into the vite-project directory.

In one terminal, run npm install to set up dependencies. Then run npm start to start the React App. This is your Front-End.

In another terminal, run npm run json-server to start a mock back-end server on port 4000. This will turn the db.json file containing robot data into a working API with CRUD functionality.

How to split your terminal:

If you get an error:

If you get an error, make sure you have JSON server installed globally by running npm install -g json-server. Now, you will have a RESTful API that you can access via the URL http://localhost:4000/robots.

Wait, what is JSON server again?

JSON Server is a tool to we use to spin up a mock API. It is a great alternative when you don't have the time to build out a full Express API. It does have its limitation in that it cannot support a robust relationships database. Learn more by reading the JSON Server documentation.

Starter Code

Like we said earlier, the first two features of the application are built for you. Take some time to understand the code that powers the app.

We've given you:

  • main.jsx and App.jsx — the entry points of the application
  • /pages — the main pages of the application
  • /components — components used within the pages of the application
  • /context - the Context and ContextProvider for the application.

There are a lot of hints that the starter code gives you. Although you are allowed to change up the starter code however you'd like, it will be easiest to let the existing code guide you into building out this app.

Note that not all the components in the code are rendered on the DOM, but you should explore and use these components!

Context Provider

We have provided you with a Context for this project. Check out the src/context/RobotProvider file to see how this is currently set up. Check out the src/main file, BotsList, and BotSpecs to see where we use this provider.

React Router

This assignment comes with React Router already installed. In order to build out this app, you may need to read the React Router Documentation.

Semantic CSS

Curious about the styles?

Take a look at the index.html file and you'll see a link to include Semantic UI stylesheet:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/semantic-ui/2.2.12/semantic.min.css"></link>

Learn more about Semantic UI here


Looking for more?? This app that you've built is very similar to the personal pokedex app from the last assignment! Take a stab at incorporating React Router into that app.

Build a PokemonSpec page and whenever you click on a pokemon, navigate the user to a /pokemon/:id URL and render the appropriate pokemon in your PokemonSpec page.