
Static Linking FastRoute

tajayi opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi All,
Thanks for all the work put into the tool with the rest of our flow. I am attempting to test fastRoute now but running into issues with dynamically linked libraries. I am able to build the binary but seeing linker issues when I try to run on a different machine.

Can you please look into statically linking as many libraries? Specifically the following

  1. libpng12
  2. libz
  3. librt
  4. libboost_system
  5. libboost_filesystem
  6. libboost_program_options
  7. libQt5PrintSupport
  8. libQt5OpenGL
  9. libQt5Widgets
  10. libQt5Gui
  11. libQt5Core


cc: @abk-openroad @mgwoo @mik226

Hi, @tajayi.
We updated the dev branch with the static linking of the libraries. Can you test it?


Thanks for the quick turn around. testing now

Static linking is good. Able to run on multiple machines. I just verified it with out very simple design. I'm about to try it out on more designs.