
Exposing secret knowledge behind the building of "native" and distributable Win32 in Perl.

Introduction to Perl GUI Programming for the Windows Desktop

This is the main repository focusing exclusively on creating and distributing Perl GUI programs on Windows. Yes, Perl programmers and Windows make strange bedfellows, but Windows customers don't mind paying a Microsoft Tax for programs that meet their needs. And better than that, they don't usually care what it is written in.

Statement of Information Goals

This repository will have reached it's stated goal when it contains at least one fully described and verifiably effective workflow that allows a diligent Perl programmer to develop, package, and distribute a Windows GUI application in a way that makes the process indistinguishable from any other program they might purchase, download, and install on their local Windows machine.

There will likely be scripts and tools in this repository, but primarily this is an information resource. Tools may be placed in additional repositories.

Areas of Concern

Our aim is to provide a well researched, documented, and reliable means of doing the following towards to goal of producing Yet Another Windows GUI that is indistinguisable from something produced from other native Windows development workflows.

This includes all the following, a ...

  1. development environment (which doesn't have to be on Windows itself)
  2. testing environment (again, not necessarily on Windows)
  3. process to package the Windows GUI application into a standalone .exe, or
  4. process to provide a typical Windows installation experience

Resources Available

Currently, means of distributing information and providing community interaction will be facilitated via:

  1. this repository (PRs needed!!)
  2. the repo's WIKI (more stable documentation)
  3. the repo's Discussion forum (for questions, members helping members, etc)


Thank you, and enjoy helping Perl take over the Windows desktop!