Piper Cache

This library provides an easy and extendable way to create a cache in python.

Getting Started

To install the package for use in your code you can use pip

pip install git+ssh://git@github.com:The-Pied-Piper/PiperCache.git#egg=cache

For local development you can use pipenv (see pipenv documentation for how to install pipenv):

pipenv install --dev


To use the build in caches:

from cache.cache import LRUCache

lru_cache = LRUCache(10)
lru_cache.put("key1", "value1")
lru_cache.put("key2", "value2")
lru_cache.get("key1")  # "value1"

lry_cache.get("key2")  # Exception

lru_cache.get("key1")  # Exception

Or construct your own:

from cache.store import Store
from cache.cache import Cache

class MyStore(Store):
    """My class to extend store logic."""
    # ...

class MyCache(Cache)
    """My class to extend the Cache API."""

    def __init__(self):
        store = MyStore()

    # ...

Or mix and match build in stores and caches.