
The Best TRX Sweeper Multisig out right now with great features !

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Please star the repo so I can update the sweeper

Here's my discord: PICwarior381#2018 or telegram: https://t.me/MrPker9

How to setup

  • Open the Config.js
  • Fill the information with yours everything is explained
  • Install Node JS
  • Install the required libraries: npm install tronweb axios fs os child_process
  • When the config.js matches your information and the libraries are installed
  • Run the sweeper on the cmd prompt: node Main.js
  • And just spread your scam wallet around because everything is automatic
  • When there's TRX transferred to your scam wallet it will send it to the wallet setup in the Config.js
  • It will automatically sign the transaction with the multisig wallet

Additional information

  • Make sure that you ONLY HAVE 1 OWNER IN THE WALLET !!
  • Make sure that you activated the multisig on the wallet that owns the scam wallet by paying the fee which is 100 TRX.


  • Sweeps the TRX out of your wallet to yours
  • Sign the transaction with the multisig Wallet
  • Sends a discord webhook message
  • The Webhook Message sends the amount transferred and the $ value