
This repository contains the code for the KYC.API.Proxy AWS Lambda Function. The function is designed to act as a proxy for KYC (Know Your Customer) operations, making authenticated requests to the KYC API from Blockpass. It provides a simplified API for consuming services from Blockpass and returns data in a structured JSON format.


  • Securely retrieves secrets for API authentication using SecretsManager.

Environment Variables

To run this Lambda function, need to set the following environment variables:

  • SECRET_ID: Identifier for the secret to be used for API authentication.
  • SECRET_API_KEY: Name of the secret key to be used for API authentication.
  • CLIENT_ID: Client ID for the KYC Blockpass API.

How it Works

The lambda function uses the Flurl.Http library to make an HTTP GET request to the KYC API from Blockpass. It authenticates the request using a secret API key retrieved from the AWS SecretsManager. The retrieved data is then returned as a JSON token.

Responses in API4

  • User authorized in Blockpass
    "data": {
        "myProxyKYC": {
            "RequestStatus": "success",
            "Status": "approved",
            "Name": "NAME OF USER"
  • User not authorized in Blockpass
    "data": {
        "myProxyKYC": {
            "RequestStatus": "error",
            "Status": null,
            "Name": null
  • Proxy response (via linked address)
    "data": {
        "myProxyKYC": {
            "RequestStatus": "success",
            "Status": "approved",
            "Name": "NAME OF USER"
            "Proxy": "0xlinked address"
  • Other Status
   "data": {
       "myProxyKYC": {
           "RequestStatus": "success",
           "Status": "not finish",
           "Name": null
           "Proxy": "0xlinked address"