
Freeze when using fill tool under suspicious circumstances that may involve particle cap [BUG]

Rebmiami opened this issue · 1 comments

Apologies for the vague title, but I don't know enough about how this game works internally to come up with a better explanation.

When using the fill tool under specific circumstances, the game will freeze. I do not know what these circumstances are but I have provided a method to reproduce the freeze below:

Much better setup: id2963563

1. Open this save and keep the simulation paused:

2. Use the fill tool (shift+ctrl+click) on these coordinates (x:173, y:89; others work too, but I haven't experimented enough to find a pattern and I know this one works):

The game should freeze and stop responding to any input.

While the script manager is shown in the above screenshot, I have tested without scripts and the freeze still occurs.

It may be related to the particle cap - erasing particles in unrelated parts of the save can prevent the freeze when the fill tool is used on that specific pixel (sometimes not on others).

Platform: Windows 10
Game Version: 96.2.350

Here's a much simpler setup for the bug:
