
add exe

901238746 opened this issue · 3 comments

add exe version to digestive system v1.0.0 please its imposible to compile it for me because python is broken

jacob1 commented

"digestive system"?

This issue doesn't make any sense, can you explain what you are trying to do?

I'm not completely sure, but SpikeViper made a biology mod with a digestive system and I think you are referring to that. In that case it might be best for this to be closed and an issue made on, although it might not be resolved anyway due to the digestive system update being in early January.

In any case, you probably want to attempt to build the source code from that repository yourself. Instructions are on, although you will need to use SpikeViper's repository instead.

jacob1 commented

In that case, there's already .exe downloads for SpikeViper's mod here: