A basic ecommerce website built to learn the React JavaScript Framework. It stemmed up from this E-commerce product page challenge on Frontend Mentor.
If you happen to come through here, please drop any form of suggestion/advice you may have. They will be well appreciated.
This app is a basic ecommerce app built using the React Framework.
It uses a fake backend for most of the app's functionalities such as registration, login etc.
As there is no real backend, localStorage serves as the database for the app and email messages are sent as in-app alert messages for actions such as verification.
Also, There is a provision for an admin page. A basic admin page whose main functionality, at present, is to list users registered. More features would be added with time as well as in the appearance.
The admin role is given to the second registered user. This is for devs who may want to route to the admin page.
As such, you have to create two accounts and route to the admin page using the second account only.
The documentation would be updated with more info as required!
- Live Site URL: Check out the app here
- Build a better ui page for admin with more admin functionalities.
- Learn and Use Nextjs for backend server purposes. This is to enable me implement the stripe checkout payment which is currently not active.
- Practice using Shopify Api for checkout as well.
- Use Google Maps/Places API in creating the shipping address page.
- Optimize production build.
- Address lighthouse reports.
- Make UI more aesthetic
- Boiler Plate - Used this boiler plate for the project.
- Illustrations - I'd recommend this for svg illustrations.
- Website - Ihechi
- Twitter - The Professor99
Made using node v17.6.0 (npm v8.5.1)