Pinned Repositories
A CRA Instance created for the Classic React Counter App. Typescript enabled. No functionalities created.
A portfolio project that helps demonstrate how we can use a HTML5 Video as a background and also use Horizontal Scroll Effect with React
Built with ReactJS/Create React App, this is a portfolio application built to understand the basics of state management. Inspired by the Tenzies Game from the YouTube tutorial for React by Code Camp. Built with Redux Toolkit for state management. Connected to Snyk, that helps sniff out security and code vulnerabilities.
The React Portfolio's Repositories
Built with ReactJS/Create React App, this is a portfolio application built to understand the basics of state management. Inspired by the Tenzies Game from the YouTube tutorial for React by Code Camp. Built with Redux Toolkit for state management. Connected to Snyk, that helps sniff out security and code vulnerabilities.
A CRA Instance created for the Classic React Counter App. Typescript enabled. No functionalities created.
A portfolio project that helps demonstrate how we can use a HTML5 Video as a background and also use Horizontal Scroll Effect with React