Husarion Demo

This repository contains a demo package with three examples for the Husarion platform.



This demo requires the following packages to be installed:

  • astra_camera
  • gmapping
  • rviz

Installing the husarion_demo package

To install the husarion_demo package, clone this repository into your workspace and build it:

cd ~/ros_workspace/src
git clone
cd ..


Camera Demo

This example shows how to get image topics from astra_camera package. It opens two image_view windows with color and depth images.

Launch the cam_demo example by running the following command:

roslaunch husarion_demo cam_demo.launch

Odometry Demo

This example shows how to get odometry data. It prints the data from /odom topic. It opens rviz window with the robot model and camera feeds.

This example requires the rosbot and ros-master containers to be running. To run them, run the following command:

docker compose up -d rosbot ros-master

Launch the simple example by running the following command:

roslaunch husarion_demo simple.launch


This example shows how to run gmapping SLAM package. It opens rviz window with the robot model and camera feeds along with map and laser scan data from gmapping.

This example requires the rosbot, ros-master & rplidar containers to be running. To run them, run the following command:

docker compose up -d rosbot ros-master rplidar

Launch the slam example by running the following command:

roslaunch husarion_demo slam.launch


No data from /odom topic

If you don't see any data from /odom topic when you run rostopic echo /odom, you may need to reflash the firmware on your rosbot.

To do so run the following:


Refer to

Astra camera not working

If the astra_camera package does not work it is recommended to reinstall the package and follow the instructions on the repository page: