
County-level estimates of excess mortality associated with COVID-19 in the United States, March to December 2020

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County-Level Estimates of Excess Mortality Associated with COVID-19 in the United States

This repo includes data and code required to replicate the results in the paper "County-Level Estimates of Excess Mortality Associated with COVID-19 in the United States". [Link to Pre-Print]

Map of Excess Mortality By Quartile

Time Series Plots for Selected Counties


In order to predict the expected mortality in 2020, we estimated a statistical model of mortality using historical mortality data from 2011-2019. Specifically, we modeled mortality at the county-set-year level using a quasi-poisson generalized linear model (QP-GLM) of the following form:

  • Yit represents the number of all-cause deaths divided by the total population of county i in year t.
  • αi denotes a county-set-specific intercept term, which captures latent characteristics of each county-set that may be correlated with mortality. Importantly, this term picks up relevant information such as the distribution of age and health in each county-set.
  • Yt−1 one lag of the dependent variable to capture potential serial correlation in mortality.
  • t represents time
  • βi allows the time trend to vary across county-sets. This accounts for the evolving distribution of age and other demographic characteristics across granular geographies that may be related to mortality.


Import and Estimate Excess Mortality

Tables and Figures

code/master_fig.R runs all the following scripts to reproduce tables and figures in the paper. All output files are in output/.
