
how to get the project started

yarn stalls

cd into /backend and $yarn (npm install works too, no lock file reqs atm)
cd into /client and $yarn (npm install works too, no lock file reqs atm)

create database

CREATE a mysql database

link database in .env

in the /backend directory
create a .env file and fill in the needed variables
an example .env file is already in the /backend directory named .example.env
DB variables come from your mysql server
to get a funnhub api you need to go to and sign up for free i suggest using the sandbox api, if you use the free api everything should work with except for checking for stock splits in /backend/processes/calculateSplits.js
the jwt secret can be a random string you choose

after your database is created and online sync some starter tables/values

cd into /backend and $node syncStockPrice.js
cd into /backend and $node syncUsers.js
cd into /backend and $node syncUserStocks.js

cd into /backend and $node syncStocks.js
this will give slower computers a timeout issue
to avoid this use python file in /python directory
to use the python DB insert you will need to pip install mysql-connector and pip install python-dotenv

starting the server and webpage

cd into /backend and $yarn dev
in a second terminal
cd into /client and $yarn start

option2 in the base directory
$yarn dev

Welcome to Market watch.

the goal of this site is to enable people to Practice stock trading with virtual money.

  1. set starting capitol(fake money)
  2. purchase' stocks at the current value
  3. attempt to buy low and sell high
  4. compare yourself against investing firms and public investors

if you set your public, you will be placed on the leaderboard if you keep your profile private you will see be able to compare your account to other, and it will keep your account hidden to others

future goals

join with a group ( everyone starts at the same time with the same capitol. the group with have a ranking to see who the top traders are. the group can compare members against each other even if your account is set to private)

List of current things to do:

incurporate search for description of stocks ex. so you can find apple stock by searching apple

v/ impletement stock splitting check so you dont lose stock when a stock splits

v/ implement calulation for overall wealth possibly save past welath chart for graph up and downs in overall wealth add ability to compare yourself with others on the website add high scores to see top performers add ability to compare yourself with famouse investors/investor groups

possible things added in the future: switch login token into redux global state add crypto coins option