Sails tooling for vscode. I daily use Sailboat features in my workflow with sails. I believe it can make you also more productive with Sails.
- Open the Extensions sidebar in VS Code.
View → Extensions
- Search for
, choose "Sailboat" by Kelvin Omereshone - Click Install to install it
- Commands to get to Sails docs
- Commands to lift sails in all 3 modes (default, verbose and silly)
- Jump to Action (Ctrl|Cmd + click to navigate from a route to a respective action file.)
- Jump to helper
- Intellisense
Press ctrl + shift + p or cmd + shift + p to access VSCode command pallette. Then type 'sailboat' to see the list of available commands
Sailboat is released under the MIT License.
Created by DominusKelvin in Agbor, Nigeria. Go follow me on Twitter!