Build a Private Blockchain Notary Service

The last project for Term 1 of Udacity's Blockchain Developer Nanodegree


  • Starter code is available at

Download here the Starter Code

  • Open the package-lock.json and verify that truffle-hdwallet-provider and openzeppelin-solidity dependencies are installed. If not you can always install it with the commands:

npm install --save truffle-hdwallet-provider

npm install --save openzeppelin-solidity

  • For starting the development console, run:

truffle develop

  • For compiling the contract, inside the development console, run:


  • For migrating the contract to the locally running Ethereum network, inside the development console, run:

migrate --reset

  • For running unit tests the contract, inside the development console, run:


  • For running the Front End of the DAPP, open another terminal window and go inside the project directory, and run:

cd app

npm run dev

Project 5 Tasks

Task 1

Your Project is to Modify the StarNotary version 2 contract code to achieve the following:

  • Add a name and a symbol for your starNotary tokens. Resource
  • Add a function lookUptokenIdToStarInfo, that looks up the stars using the Token ID, and then returns the name of the star.
  • Add a function called exchangeStars, so 2 users can exchange their star tokens...Do not worry about the price, just write code to exchange stars between users.
  • Write a function to Transfer a Star. The function should transfer a star from the address of the caller. The function should accept 2 arguments, the address to transfer the star to, and the token ID of the star.

Task 2

Add supporting unit tests, to test the following:

  • The token name and token symbol are added properly.
  • 2 users can exchange their stars.
  • Stars Tokens can be transferred from one address to another.

Task 3

Deploy your Contract to Rinkeby

  • Edit the truffle.config file to add settings to deploy your contract to the Rinkeby Public Network.

Helper Points:

  • Command used to deploy to Rinkeby truffle migrate --reset --network rinkeby
  • You will need to have your Metamask’s seed and Infura setup.
  • This was shown to you in detail in the lesson on Solidity, while creating ERC-20 tokens on Rinkeby.

Task 4

Modify the front end of the DAPP to achieve the following:

  • Lookup a star by ID using tokenIdToStarInfo() (you will have to add code for this in your index.html and index.js files)

BlockChain Information

  1. ERC-721 Token Name

  2. ERC-721 Token Symbol

  3. Version of the Truffle and OpenZeppelin Used