
[FEATURE]: Improve Quicksort Algorithm with Better Space Complexity

DevAnuragT opened this issue · 4 comments


This feature can decrease space complexity of quicksort algorithm and make it efficient.


This feature will replace use of extra arrays in quicksort function with simple swap functions.

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I can do that please assign me the work

is the issue still open?

hi there, as a data structures and algorithms enthusiast with great interest in javascript let me work on this issue. my leeetcode profile :

This issue doesn't really make sense: We have two variants of quicksort, one which is in-place and another one which isn't. If anything one of them should be removed / merged with the other, or they should be differentiated based on this. I personally think the "pure functional" variant is nice because it makes the core idea if the algorithm a bit easier to see.

(It should perhaps also be noted that the worst case space complexity for a naive quicksort is still linear, see That could indeed be improved by being clever about the order of the recursive calls and tail recursion.)