Algorithms and Data Structures implemented in JavaScript for beginners, following best practices.
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- 1
[FEATURE]: Add Digital Root Algorithm to JavaScript/Maths and its recursive implementation
#1747 opened by HRIDYANSHU054 - 1
- 6
- 19
[OTHER]: Duplicate entry of sieve of eratosthenes
#1666 opened by SpiderMath - 14
chore: fix / clean up jsdoc comments
#1342 opened by Zatan16 - 1
[BUG]: edge case for dfs
#1722 opened by shrivalidutt - 2
[FEATURE]: When a user search for something we can show how many no of results are matched
#1718 opened by dhruvishah122 - 7
[BUG]: There is a bug in search bar in home page
#1709 opened by love-sonkar - 3
Adding problems tags
#1689 opened by Samastra - 4
- 4
[FEATURE]: The styling of the boxes can be better.
#1693 opened by ayushrskiaa - 3
[FEATURE]: Dynamic Link for Problem Code Viewing and
#1702 opened by PRAteek-singHWY - 10
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- 1
[FEATURE]: Hash Table Data Structure
#1623 opened by miladsade96 - 1
[FEATURE]: Data structure, Disjoint Set
#1583 opened by its-kunal - 1
#1497 opened by Bharath-KumarReddy - 3
[OTHER]: why element is array in Max Heap?
#1341 opened by GongSunJie-Plus - 1
[OTHER]: Add gidpod ready to code badge in
#1465 opened by rohitkbc - 0
#1487 opened by Gauravbio - 1
[OTHER]: Grammar Mistake
#1452 opened by AbhineshJha - 3
[FEATURE]: Add a palindrome validating code in the "string" folder under Hacktoberfest
#1451 opened by abrehan2 - 6
[FEATURE]: Switch to Bun or Vitest for running tests
#1378 opened by defaude - 2
#1396 opened by dipanshurdev - 9
- 1
[FEATURE]: Length Conversion
#1391 opened by 0APOCALYPSE0 - 1
[Question]: How can i work on multiple file? do i have to wait for first pr to be merged?
#1387 opened by developerr-ayush - 6
[FEATURE]: Last Element
#1373 opened by abrehan2 - 3
[FEATURE]: Height of tree
#1375 opened by vishal-sharma-369 - 1
[OTHER]: It is not looks good for create a separate section for connect with us section.
#1356 opened by gkm0001 - 1
- 1
Fet: Octal To Binary Convertor
#1344 opened by BamaCharanChhandogi - 1
Fet: add "M-Coloring" Problem in Backtracking
#1343 opened by BamaCharanChhandogi - 9
Validate Url Issues
#1183 opened by meirroth - 4
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- 1
[BUG]: MaxProductOfThree not working properly
#1294 opened by Xolvez - 1
[FEATURE]: Create Stack and Hashing Folder
#1279 opened by IndianBlitz - 1
[DOCS] Add issue templates
#1204 opened by Panquesito7 - 2
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Add Kosaraju's Algorithm
#1214 opened by Adrito-M - 3
Binary Insertion Sort
#1181 opened by syedjafer - 0
Unable to install npm dependencies on M1 Mac with Node 16
#1175 opened by defaude - 9
DateToDay.js giving wrong day
#1121 opened by chrisjwaddell - 2
file name palindrome.test.js should be Palindrome.test.js to follow UpperCamelCase
#1143 opened by AbdulAhadKhan0308 - 1
Suggestion : Count Bits to Convert A to B
#1133 opened by thevinitgupta - 2
Adding Missing questions to Project-Euler Folder
#1128 opened by mstomar698 - 2
Add an alternative for selection sort
#1111 opened by ayeola05 - 1
update readme
#1113 opened by rohitkumar1706259