Custom Table React


A react table component that accepts rows, columns, data, header details etc. and allows editing table cells and customise column widths

Getting Started

You can install Custom Table React with NPM

npm install custom-table-react

Add the following statement in your file to import the component

import { CustomTable } from 'custom-table-react'




No. of rows in the table

type: Number
Required: true
defaultValue: 2

Example : 
<CustomTable rows={4} columns={3} />



No. of columns in the table

type: Number
Required: true
defaultValue: 2

Example : 
<CustomTable rows={3} columns={4} />



Whether the table cells would be editable or not

editable set to true renders table data components (td) wrapping a full width input element width cell data as the value fo the input field

type: Boolean
Required : false
defaultValue: false

Example : 
<CustomTable rows={3} columns={3} editable={true} />



Data to be pushed in the table cells

type: Array  (2d Array of number/strings)
required: false
defaultValue : []

Example : 
<CustomTable rows={3} columns={3} data={[['cell1data' ,'cell2data','cell3data'], ['cell4',26,'cell6data'],[77,88,99]]} />
  • When prop data is defined with a non-zero length array,

    • The headers prop length will be the columns value for table.

    • If headers prop is empty, The higher value between:

      • maximum data prop array element length
      • columns prop

      will be the columns value for table

    • The higher value between :

      • data prop length
      • rows prop

      will be the rows value for table

    Example :

    <CustomTable rows={3} columns={3} data={[['cell1data' ,'cell2data','cell3data'], ['cell4',26,'cell6data'],[77,88,99],['cell10','cell11','cell12']]} />

    Above Example will render 4 columns instead of 3 as the length of data prop array is 4.



Array of table column headings

type: Array (Array of strings/numbers)
required: false
defaultValue: []

Example : 
<CustomTable rows={3} columns={3} headers={['Header1','Header2','Header3']} />
  • When prop headers is defined with a non-zero length array, the prop headers array's length will be given higher priority over prop columns value and maximum data prop array element length value.

    Example :

    <CustomTable rows={3} columns={2} headers={['Header1','Header2','Header3']}  data={[['cell1data' ,'cell2data','cell3data',55], ['cell4',26,'cell6data',34,66]]}  />

    Above Example will render 3 columns instead of 2 or 5 as the length of headers prop array is 3.



Array of width of each column in percentage

type: Array
required: false
defaultValue: []

Example : 
<CustomTable rows={3} columns={3} columnsWidth={[60,20,20]} />


Style Object for table headings, applies to each th element in thead

type: Object
required: false
defaultValue : null





Triggered when an editable cell value is changed


  • value : Updated Value of the edited cell
  • rowIndex : Row Index of updated cell
  • columnIndex : Column index of updated cell