
The repo that includes all of my projects for my Front End Development Nanodegree,

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Udacity Front End Nanodegree

I began this Nanodegree sometime in January as I was lucky enough to be a scholarship recipient of OneTen and BlacksInTech.

I wanted to document my journey as I learn Front End Development fundamentals while also dipping my toes in the cloud.

(Setting up this environment was so complicated but that's another story for another day, lol.)

Anyway, since I have this set up now, I might try to log my progress here.

4.16.22 Need to review implicit type coercion and strict equality.

4.17.22 Reordered File Structure and began learning about conditionals.

4.20.22 Need help figuring out the logic to the Murder Mystery quiz.

4.21.22 Still not understanding logic behind Murder Mystery quiz. Will proceed forward with course. Got some help, the code works but the code checker says it's wrong. Smh.

4.22.22 Need help with conditionals. I might have to create a JavaScript Self Study repo because I am obviously not understanding something.

4.25.22 Working on the Ice Cream Quiz. Went over Advanced Conditionals, Truthy and Falsy, as well as Ternary Operators. I am so confused. Testing config. Again. Worked on Ternary Operators & Switch Statements. Finished Lesson 3. Setup files/environment for Lesson 4.

4.26.22 Worked on While Loops & JuliaJames quiz.

4.26.22 Continued working on While Loops, did 99 Bottles of Juice & Countdown Liftoff Quiz.

4.28.22 Began working on For Loops, Increment and Decrement as well as Nested Loops. Worked on all Loop Quizes, got one of them right the first time I submitted my code :D. Started on Functions. Need to practice calling functions + strings a number of times.

5.2.22 Testing config again.

5.3.22 Still struggling with functions. :(

5.5.22 Continuing with funtions.