
Helper protocols used to create strings out of object descriptions and debug descriptions They work much like the way description and debugDescription work, but support for indenting child objects

Primary LanguageSwiftApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Leveled Custom String Convertible

swift >= 4.0 macOS Linux Apache 2

Helper protocols used to create strings out of object descriptions and debug descriptions They work much like the way description and debugDescription work, but support for indenting child objects


public struct Person: LeveledCustomStringConvertible, LeveledCustomDebugStringConvertible {
    let name: String
    let age: Int
    public func leveledDescription(_ level: Int, indent: String, indentOpening: Bool, sortKeys: Bool) -> String {
        let tabs: String = String(repeating: indent, count: level)
        var rtn: String = ""
        if indentOpening { rtn += tabs }
        rtn += "{"
        rtn += tabs + indent + "name: \"\(self.name)\",\n"
        rtn += tabs + indent + "age: \(age)\n"
        rtn += tabs + "}"
        return  rtn
    public func leveledDebugDescription(_ level: Int, indent: String, indentOpening: Bool, sortKeys: Bool) -> String {
        // Can have different output for debug string, but just being lazy
        return leveledDescription(level, indent: indent, indentOpening: indentOpening, sortKeys: sortKeys)

var dictionary: [String: Any] = [:]
dictionary["Object 1"] = 1
dictionary["Object 2"] = true
dictionary["Object 3"] = 3.0
dictionary["Object 4"] = Person(name: "Person Name", age: 29)
dictionary["Object 5"] = "This is a string"
dictionary["Object 6"] = Character("C")


/// Expected Output: (May not be in same order due to dictionary enumeration)
    "Object 5": "This is a string",
    "Object 4": {
        name: "Person Name",
        age: 29
    "Object 3": 3.0,
    "Object 1": 1,
    "Object 6": "C",
    "Object 2": true

print(dictionary.leveledDebugDescription(sortKeys: true))

/// Expected Output: 
    "Object 1": 1,
    "Object 2": true,
    "Object 3": 3.0,
    "Object 4": {
        name: "Person Name",
        age: 29
    "Object 5": "This is a string",
    "Object 6": "C"

var array: [Any] = []
array.append(Person(name: "Person Name", age: 29))
array.append("This is a string")


/// Expected Output: 
        name: "Person Name",
        age: 29
    "This is a string",



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