
A version of flappy bird that uses public and virtual a bit too much. Created for modding and AI practice

Primary LanguageC#

Modding Playground: Flappy Bird

Unity 2022.2.11 Itch Io

This project was created as a practice playground for Harmony Patch. It is a simple Flappy Bird clone. Why should you pick this implementation instead of any other?

  • Game contains a Release build, but is open source, so you can check the original source, in case you get lost
  • It is made with modding in mind, meaning it contains no private or protected methods / variables, so you can easily patch them
  • The code is simple
  • Unlike many other implementations, it works

How to use

  • Download the game from the releases, or, if you don't believe the exe, clone the repository and build it yourself
  • [Optional] Play the game a bit and try to understand its core mechanics and concepts
  • Decompile the game with dotPeek, dnSpy, ILSpy or any other decompiler of your choice
  • Mod away!


In case you struggle with ideas what to mod, here are some ideas:

  • Add a "Clear HighScore" button
  • Make the static background parallax (moving just like the pipes and the ground, but slower)
  • Add some cheats (invincibility, score multiplier, etc.)
  • Replace birds artwork with something else (I don't know... modding community seems to like Thomas the Tank Engine)