
AppImage type 3 runtime draft

Primary LanguageC++zlib LicenseZlib

AppImage type 3 runtime

This repository is a draft for a new AppImage type called type 3. It is supposed to succeed the previous types, the deprecated type 1 and the currently used type 2. Both have their flaws, and we've learnt a lot in the last years working with both.

Design goals

  • Clarity on licensing: Properly licensed runtime which can be safely used by third party projects making sure all libraries in our dependency tree are used in compliance with their licenses
  • Use a permissive license that does not require any form of binary attribution (e.g., the zlib/libpng license)
  • Minimum size: Like the type 2 runtime, the new type should also use < 1 MiB of size, ideally way less
  • Ensure strict compliance to the ELF standard: The magic bytes need to be embedded in a non-offending way to eliminate several problems, e.g., when running AppImages in Docker containers and to eliminate the need for appimagelauncherfs
  • Support for AppImageUpdate
  • Improved signing (like, multiple signatures, easier verification)
  • Built in integrity checks (to make sure chopped off or otherwise broken AppImages will produce a proper error message)
  • Support different image formats (squashfs remaining the default for now)
  • Reduced attack surface (minimize amounts of third-party code)
  • Fully static builds with only the kernel (and FUSE) as dependency (so that the runtime itself works on glibc, musl etc. systems)
  • Provide alternative implementations made in different languages (to i
  • ... more goals might be added in the future

AppImage type 3 architecture

The basic structure of type 2 shall be used for type 3, too. Type 2 uses the following file structure:

| AppImage runtime |
|   (ELF binary)   |
|                  |
|     payload      |
| (squashfs image) |
|                  |
.                  .
.                  .
.                  .

This approach is very simple to implement and use, as we've seen in the previous AppImage types. The runtime is an ELF binary, and the advanced features AppImages provide (updating, signing) rely on so-called ELF sections, which are defined by the AppImage standard. There are several problems related to them, though. Not only they are somewhat complex to read from applications (you need to use complex headers like elf.h and need to understand the ELF standard to some extent), they're also complicated to create in an ELF file. The sections in use right now are created during the build of the runtime and can't be changed later on.

It might make sense to introduce a third entity in the AppImage in between the ELF runtime and the payload, a kind of AppImage header. This way, the runtime does not have to be patched at all during build, the upstream binary can be used directly. Instead of writing to ELF sections, this AppImage header can be generated from the auxiliary data by the AppImage build tool (i.e., the future appimagetool).

Being able to use an unmodified runtime also provides the following benefits:

  • The runtime is exchangable without losing any functionality, as the AppImage meta header is not needed by it
  • The runtime can be signed officially by the AppImage project and this signature can be validated by third parties

The new AppImage file format might therefore look like this:

| AppImage runtime |
|   (ELF binary)   |
| AppImage header  |  <-- new
|                  |
|     payload      |
| (squashfs image) |
|                  |
.                  .
.                  .
.                  .

Development roadmap

At first, a prototype shall be implemented in plain C, using squashfuse internally, just like type 2. However, it should be written from scratch and support said AppImage header. The prototype does not yet have to be linked fully statically It should work with existing type 2 AppImage payloads. It should no longer be a single code file and should support unit testing.

The next step should be to evaluate alternative languages. Rust is an interesting candidate, as it helps write safer code on the language level already.

Next, the runtime size should be minimized, e.g., by trimming down dependencies or writing dependencies ourselves. At the same time, the licensing problems mentioned in the design goals should be resolved.

Then, static linking should be evaluated.