
In this repo, we use Pointer Generator Networks for the purpose of summarization.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


In this repository, we implement the paper: Get To The Point: Summarization with Pointer-Generator Networks.

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In this repository, we aim to accomplish the following tasks:

  1. The input to the model will be a text paragraph from which you need to create summaries.
  2. Build a Pointer Generator Network architecture from scratch using PyTorch (You may use any other framework of your choice, but do not use an off-the-shelf library implementation!)
  3. The encoder should be a BiLSTM, whereas the decoder should be a single LSTM layer
  4. Create attention distribution with the help of the decoder state and encoder hidden states
  5. The context vector is a weighted sum of encoder hidden states as per the respective attention distribution
  6. For each decoder timestep calculate generation probability pgen
  7. Use a weighted sum of vocabulary distribution and attention distribution to obtain a final distribution to make the final prediction
  8. use ROUGE Metric to evaluate the model

The Pointer network can be considered a simple extension of the attention model. It is a hybrid of an Attention Model and a pointer network. Words are generated from a fixed vocabulary and are copied by pointing.

File Structure

  1. data_reduction.py contains the code to choose a suitable subset of the entire dataset we have used.
  2. summary_gen.py We store the decoder outputs and summaries generated in a csv file. This file opens that csv and prints out the summaries in a viewable fashion as well as prints ROUGE scores.
  3. extra folder containing training logs, ipynb format for the codes and other extra files.
  4. pgn_summzarization.py Single commented out and explained code file which handles datasets, constructs data loaders, builds the model from as given and starts training.
  5. README itz what you reading right now ^_^


The code is executed by:

python3 <filename>.py

When the model is run, the code snippet:

torch.save(model.state_dict(), 'model.pt')

stores the best parameters of the model which gives the lowest validation loss. The code by itself calls the model back for testing purposes using:


If the model has been successfully loaded, it returns <All keys matched successfully>.