
Audio FX algorithms explained

Primary LanguageC++

JustAudioFX - DSP Algorithms

Collection of audio FX plugins with algorithms explained, using Juce Framework.

Current list of digital audio FX algorithms:





How to install compiled VST3 plugins?

All ready-to-use plugins are available in the Releases page.

  • Download the *.vst3 files
  • Put the downloaded files into your default VST3 location (usually in C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3 on Windows)

How to build and debug VST3 plugins?

Currently build instructions only for Visual Studio 2019 and VST3. Feel free to extend it for other IDEs/plugin formats.


Step 1: Setup Projucer

  • In Projucer choose File -> Global Paths to check, that your path to Juce and modules is correct. Example:

Step 2: Prepare AudioPluginHost for debugging

  • In Projucer choose File -> Open... and open AudioPluginHost.jucer, that is located in ${JUCE_PATH}/extras/AudioPluginHost
  • Select Visual Studio 2019 exporter and choose File -> Save Project and Open in IDE...
  • After opening in Visual Studio, select Debug -> Start Debugging
  • Check, that app is working and check either executable was built in ${JUCE_PATH}/extras/AudioPluginHost/Builds/VisualStudio2019/x64/Debug/App/AudioPluginHost.exe

Step 3: Clone and open the project in Visual Studio

  • Clone the project
  • In Projucer choose File -> Open... and select *.jucer file from the folder, that you want to launch
  • In Projucer choose File -> Save Project and Open in IDE...

Step 4: Setup debugging in Visual Studio

  • In Visual Studio choose XXX_VST3 solution and set as Startup Project
  • In Visual Studio select Debug -> XXX_VST3 Debug Properties
  • In Configuration Properties -> Debugging put path to AudioPluginHost.exe
  • In Visual Studio select Debug -> Start Debugging

Step 5: Add your plugin to AudioPluginHost

  • When AudioPluginHost is launched, add your plugin by pressing Ctrl + P. Then in Options choose 'Scan for new or updated VST3 plugins', add your project flder to the list and press 'Scan'
  • Then go to Plugins -> Create Plug-in and select your new plugin
  • Route inputs and outputs
  • (Optional) you can save created graph to the file, not to route inputs and outputs every time