
Made using Unity Version - 2020.2.1f1


  • Normal tower defense game.. stop catapults from getting to the end point by placing towers which cost gold..
  • you have a certain amount of gold, the gold decreases by a certain value if a catapult reaches the end point,
  • the gold increases by a certain value if you kill a catapult.. The difficulty gets ramped up as the level goes on..
  • The level just restarts when you die and there is no win condition, survive as long as u can..
  • The catapults follow a predetermined path.. I will make a separate project for implementing pathfinding
    The game is not pretty, just making mechanics cuz I wanna learn some game design principles and stuff


  • Object Pooling
  • Where to use require component (already knew what require component was)
  • How to run scripts in edit mode
  • Text Mesh Pro has a shader for text to be always visible (can be used in something like waypoint marker as seen in AC BlackFlag and other AAA games)
  • List related operations (already knew that a list is a mutable array)
  • Nested Prefabs (I don't think I ever wanna use them again that shet too much work)