
Honoursproject 2016-2017: Development of an optimized compiler for the Eff programming language [Finished]

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Honoursproject 2016-2017: Development of an optimized compiler for the Eff programming language


I am participating in the research track of the Honoursprogramme of the Faculty of Engineering Science of KULeuven (dutch link).

For my honoursproject I am participating in the "Algebraic Effect Handlers: Harnessing the Fundamental Power of Effects" project from the DTAI group of the department of Computer Science.

We use the information of the type and effect system and the syntactic structure of goals to perform a number of optimisations. We mainly target optimisations that helps in removing handlers.

I need to construct, implement and proof such optimisations. Other tasks include: creating benchmarking programs and help writing the paper. The benchmark I wrote is an interpreter for a small language which includes variables and functions.

Installing Eff

See the Eff repository for instructions.