Discord-AIChatBot 1.0

A Discord Bot Made In Python Integrated With AI


  1. Ask Anything From AI | askai
  2. create chatbot, start conversation with ai | startconversation
  3. create any image from prompt | imagine
  4. will add more soon.

Installation | Full Guide

  1. First Create A Bot, Get Your Bot Token
  2. Get Your Api From RsnChat Its Free!
  3. Join RsnLabs Here: https://discord.gg/r5QWdKfQxr
  4. Then Get Your Api By Sending Command /new

Now, get your terminal turned on if you want to host it locally

git clone https://github.com/TheAxes/Discord-AIChatBot
cd Discord-AIChatBot

Now Open Your File Manager, Find Discord-AiChatBot folder there

inside it find .env and open it now fill all data in it

note: enter in .env if you are hosting it locally or on a private hosting or if you using public host please use secrets/key value system instead

after that switch to your terminal


python app.py

you are done! after your bot get online

go to your server in which your bot is added


prefixsync | lets assume prefix is ! then !sync it will update slash commands without it slash won't work restart your discord now you can use slash commands + prefix commands

Use /help For Help Menu

Vedio Tutorial


Remix on Glitch Run on Repl.it

Buy Me A Coffee

Owned By: youtube.com/@theaxes

Support: Click Here