
KERiT's Privacy Policy

By using Friday you accept with its privacy policy and &

1. What does it store?

  • Server IDs for servers data(prefixes, settings, vanity url to revert on change)
  • User IDs for whitelisted users
  • Webhooks to send send security action log entires.
  • Confidential data ( webhooks ) are stored & secured using AES Encryption standards.

2. Who can access the data?

1. Following people can access ALL of the data:

  • Bot developer(s)

2. Following people can access whitelisted users / server settings data:

  • Server Owner

3. Why do we store the data?

1. It stores server IDs, vanity urls, webhooks for settings and data because:

  • Without those most of the bot wouldn't be functional as its a security algorithm.

2. It stores user IDs for whitelist:

  • Bot needs to find the user who is whitelisted to prevent punishments.

3. It stores server IDs and user IDs for blacklist because:

  • We need to prevent people/servers that abuse the bot, break bot rules.

4. This Privacy Policy doesn't answer my question. What should I do?

You can reach us by the following methods:

5. How can we delete our entire data?

Simply join our support server and ask any in support channel to delete your entire data, We will delete your entrie data without asking any question, exceptions: user/server blacklisted IDs (discord tos / bot tos violators)

A warning will be announced in the support server 3 days prior to policy changes.

Last Updated: 23 November, 2022