
A Minimal Unit Testing Framework for C++

Primary LanguageC++


A minimal unit-testing library for C++


The project defines the following basic 5 MACROS to construct test cases.

MACROS Description
DeclareTest(TestSuite, TestName) Declare test cases
DefineTest(TestSuite, TestName) Define test cases
RegisterTest(TestSuite, TestName) Register test cases to be run
RunTests Executes all registerd tests
ExpectEQ(arg1, arg2) Checks if two arguments are equal

Importing Unittest to Your Project

  • Method 1

    1. Pull the repository as a submodule in your project
    git submodule add https://github.com/TheBarbellCoder/unittest.git ./test/unittest
    1. Add the following lines in CMakeLists.txt of your project
    target_include_directories(<your_project> PRIVATE test/unittest/includes)
    target_link_libraries(<your_project> unittest)
  • Method 2

    1. Import repository directly into your project using the FetchContent module from cmake
            GIT_REPOSITORY https://github.com/TheBarbellCoder/unittest.git)
    1. Repeat steps 2 and 3 from Method 1
    add_subdirectory(${unittest_SOURCE_DIR} ${uniitest_BINARY_DIR})
    target_include_directories(<your_project> PRIVATE ${unittest_SOURCE_DIR}/includes)
    target_link_libraries(<your_project> ${unittest_BINARY_DIR}/unittest)

Sample Usage

Here's how you'd use UnitTest in your project.

// File: test_main.cpp
#include "test_project.hpp"

int main(){
    RegisterTest(module, test1)
    RegisterTest(module, test2)


    return 0;
// File: test_project.cpp
#include "test_project.hpp"

DefineTest(module, test1){

    // Your code here
    // ...
    // ExpectEQ(<actual>, <expected>)

DefineTest(module, test2){
    // Your code here
    // ...
    // ExpectEQ(<actual>, <expected>)
// File: test_project.hpp
#include "unittest.hpp"

DeclareTest(module, test1)
DeclareTest(module, test2)

Running Tests in Isolated Processes

UnitTest allows forking test cases to run them in separate processes. This way, when a test case crashes, due to an unhandled exception or segfault, it dosen't bring down the entire program.

Forking is disabled by default and is currently available to *nix systems. To enable it, simply define FORK in your main test source file or append -DFORK to your CMake command! ☺️