
Kubernetes extension for Visual Studio Code

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Visual Studio Code Kubernetes Tools

Build Status

A Visual Studio Code extension for interacting with Kubernetes clusters. This extension combines the vs-kubernetes extension by @brendandburns and the vs-helm extension by @technosophos.


Setting up your environment

This extension assumes you have the following binaries on your PATH:

  • docker
  • git
  • kubectl (optional)
  • helm (optional)
  • draft (optional)
  • minikube (optional)

For kubectl, helm and draft the binaries need not be on the system PATH, provided you tell the extension their locations using the appropriate vs-kubernetes -> vs-kubernetes.${tool}-path configuration setting. See Extension Settings below.

The extension can install kubectl, helm and draft for you if they are missing - choose Install dependencies when you see an error notification for the missing tool. This will set kubectl-path, helm-path and draft-path entries in your configuration - the programs will not be installed on the system PATH, but this will be sufficient for them to work with the extension.

If you are working with Azure Container Services or Azure Kubernetes Services, then you can install and configure kubectl using the Kubernetes: Add Existing Cluster command.

If you plan to create managed clusters using Microsoft Azure (ACS or AKS), or to add clusters in those environments to your kubeconfig, then you will need Azure CLI 2.0.23 or above. You do not need Azure CLI if you do not use Azure, or to interact with Azure clusters that are already in your kubeconfig.

Setting up your environment for Helm and Draft

helm support requires that you have Helm installed and configured.

To use the Helm: Dry Run command, your Kubernetes cluster must be running Tiller.

For setting up draft you can provide a path to the binary via configuration (vs-kubernetes.draft-path) if it is not on your PATH.

Setting up the image repository path

If you want to use the Kubernetes: Run and Kubernetes: Debug features then you need to have correctly set the user and repository for your images. You can do this via preferences in VS Code:

File > Preferences

And then add:

  "vsdocker.imageUser": "<your-image-prefix-here>",

Where <your-image-prefix-here> is something like docker.io/brendanburns.

Selecting a kubeconfig file

By default, the extension uses the active kubeconfig file -- that is, the file to which the KUBECONFIG environment variable points, or the default kubeconfig if no KUBECONFIG environment variable exists. If you want to swap kubeconfig files, you can specify the file path in the vs-kubernetes.kubeconfig setting in your user or workspace settings.

Running from source

If you are building and running the extension from source, see CONTRIBUTING.md for prerequisites for the development environment.

Commands and features

vs-kubernetes-tools supports a number of commands for interacting with Kubernetes; these are accessible via the command menu (Ctrl+Shift+P) and may be bound to keys in the normal way.


General commands

  • Kubernetes: Load - Load a resource from the Kubernetes API and create a new editor window.
  • Kubernetes: Get - Get the status for a specific resource.
  • Kubernetes: Follow Logs - Follow logs for a pod in an output window.
  • Kubernetes: Show Logs - Show logs for a pod in an output window.
  • Kubernetes: Follow Events - Follow events on a selected namespace.
  • Kubernetes: Show Events - Show events on a selected namespace.

Commands while viewing a Kubernetes manifest file

  • Kubernetes: Explain - Use the kubectl explain ... tool to annotate Kubernetes API objects
  • Kubernetes: Create - Create an object using the current document
  • Kubernetes: Delete - Delete an object contained in the current document.
  • Kubernetes: Apply - Apply changes to an object contained in the current document.
  • Kubernetes: Expose - Expose the object in the current document as a service.
  • Kubernetes: Describe - Describe the object in a terminal window.
  • Kubernetes: Diff - Show the difference between a local copy of the object, and that which is deployed to the cluster.

Commands for application directories

  • Kubernetes: Run - Run the current application as a Kubernetes Deployment
  • Kubernetes: Terminal - Open an interactive terminal session in a pod of the Kubernetes Deployment
  • Kubernetes: Exec - Run a command in a pod of the Kubernetes Deployment
  • Kubernetes: Debug (Launch) - Run the current application as a Kubernetes Deployment and attach a debugging session to it (currently works only for Java/Node.js deployments). See Debug support on Kubernetes cluster for more details.
  • Kubernetes: Debug (Attach) - Attach a debugging session to an existing Kubernetes Deployment (currently works only for Java deployments). See Debug support on Kubernetes cluster for more details.
  • Kubernetes: Remove Debug - Remove the deployment and/or service created for a Kubernetes Debug (Launch) session
  • Kubernetes: Sync Working Copy to Cluster - Checks out the version of the code that matches what is deployed in the cluster. (This relies on Docker image versions also being Git commit IDs, which the extension does if you use the Run command to build the container, but which typically doesn't work for containers/deployments done by other means.)

Cluster Creation commands

  • Kubernetes: Create Cluster - Initiate the flow for creating a Kubernetes cluster with a selected cloud provider (eg: Azure), or creating a Minikube cluster locally.

Configuration commands

  • Kubernetes: Add Existing Cluster - Install and configure the Kubernetes command line tool (kubectl) from a cloud cluster, such as an Azure Container Service (ACS) or Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster
  • Kubernetes: Set as Current Cluster - Select from a list of configured clusters to set the "current" cluster. Used for searching, displaying, and deploying Kubernetes resources.
  • Kubernetes: Delete Context - Remove a cluster's configuration from the kubeconfig file.
  • Kubernetes: Set Kubeconfig - Select from a list of known kubeconfig files (for users who keep different kubeconfig files for different environments).
  • Kubernetes: Show Cluster Info - For a cluster, show the status of Kubernetes Components (API Server, etcd, KubeDNS, etc.) in a terminal window.
  • Kubernetes: Use Namespace - Select from a list of namespaces to set the "current" namespace. Used for searching, displaying, and deploying Kubernetes resources.

ConfigMap and Secret commands

  • Kubernetes: Add File - Adds a file as a ConfigMap or a Secret
  • Kubernetes: Delete File - Deletes a file from a ConfigMap or a Secret

Miscellaneous commands

  • Kubernetes: Open Dashboard - Opens the Kubernetes Dashboard in your browser.
  • Kubernetes: Port Forward - Prompts user for a local port and a remote port to bind to on a Pod.


Minikube runs a local, single node Kubernetes cluster inside a VM. Support is currently experimental, and requires Minikube tools to be installed and available on your PATH.

  • Kubernetes: Start minikube - Starts Minikube
  • Kubernetes: Stop minikube - Stops Minikube


Helm is the package manager for Kubernetes and provides a way for you to define, install and upgrade applications using 'charts.' This extension provides a set of tools for creating and testing Helm charts:

  • Syntax highlighting for YAML + Helm Templates
  • Autocomplete for Helm, Sprig, and Go Tpl functions
  • Help text (on hover) for Helm, Sprig, and Go Tpl functions
  • Snippets for quickly scaffolding new charts and templates
  • Commands for...
    • Helm: Create Chart - Create a new chart
    • Helm; Get Release - Get a helm release from the cluster
    • Helm: Lint - Lint your chart
    • Helm: Preview Template - Open a preview window and preview how your template will render
    • Helm: Template - Run your chart through the template engine
    • Helm: Dry Run - Run a helm install --dry-run --debug on a remote cluster and get the results
    • Helm: Version - Get the Helm version
    • Helm: Insert Dependency - Insert a dependency YAML fragment
    • Helm: Dependency Update - Update a chart's dependencies
    • Helm: Package - Package a chart directory into a chart archive
    • Helm: Convert to Template - Create a template based on an existing resource or manifest
    • Helm: Convert to Template Parameter - Convert a fixed value in a template to a parameter in the values.yaml file
  • Code lenses for:
    • requirements.yaml (Add and update dependencies)
  • Right-click on a chart .tgz file, and choose inspect chart to preview all configurable chart values.


Draft is a tool to simplify the process of developing a new Kubernetes application, by creating the necessary deployment components and by keeping code in the cluster in sync with the code on your computer.

  • Draft: Create - Set up Draft in the current folder (prerequisite for Draft: Up)
  • Draft: Up - Runs Draft to package the current folder and push it to your cluster. To allow for cluster changes,
  • Draft: Version - Get the version of the local Draft client

NOTE: Draft itself is in 'draft' form and is not yet stable. So the extension support for Draft is strictly experimental - assumptions may break, and commands and behavior may change!

Extension Settings

  • vs-kubernetes - Parent for Kubernetes-related extension settings
    • vs-kubernetes.namespace - The namespace to use for all commands
    • vs-kubernetes.kubectl-path - File path to the kubectl binary. Note this is the binary file itself, not just the directory containing the file. On Windows, this must contain the .exe extension.
    • vs-kubernetes.helm-path - File path to the helm binary. Note this is the binary file itself, not just the directory containing the file. On Windows, this must contain the .exe extension.
    • vs-kubernetes.draft-path - File path to the draft binary. Note this is the binary file itself, not just the directory containing the file. On Windows, this must contain the .exe extension (note current versions of Draft are not supported on Windows).
    • vs-kubernetes.kubeconfig - File path to the kubeconfig file you want to use. This overrides both the default kubeconfig and the KUBECONFIG environment variable.
    • vs-kubernetes.knownKubeconfigs - An array of file paths of kubeconfig files that you want to be able to quickly switch between using the Set Kubeconfig command.
    • vs-kubernetes.autoCleanupOnDebugTerminate - The flag to control whether to auto cleanup the created deployment and associated pod by the command "Kubernetes: Debug (Launch)". The cleanup action occurs when it failed to start debug session or debug session terminated. If not specified, the extension will prompt for whether to clean up or not. You might choose not to clean up if you wanted to view pod logs, etc.
    • vs-kubernetes.outputFormat - The output format that you prefer to view Kubernetes manifests in. One of "yaml" or "json". Defaults to "yaml".
  • vsdocker.imageUser - Image prefix for docker images e.g. 'docker.io/brendanburns'

Keybinding Support

The following commands support arguments in keybindings:

  • Set Kubeconfig (command ID extension.vsKubernetesUseKubeconfig) - the keybinding can specify a string argument which is the kubeconfig file path to switch to. This allows you to set up specific keybindings for your favourite kubeconfigs.

Known Issues

  • Kubernetes: Debug command currently works only with Node.js and Java applications
  • For deeply nested Helm charts, template previews are generated against highest (umbrella) chart values (though for Helm: Template calls you can pick your chart)

Release Notes

See the change log.


This extension collects telemetry data to help us build a better experience for building applications with Kubernetes and VS Code. We only collect the following data:

  • Which commands are executed
  • For the Create Cluster and Configure from Cluster commands, the cluster type selected.

We do not collect any information about image names, paths, etc. The extension respects the telemetry.enableTelemetry setting which you can learn more about in our FAQ.


This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. Most contributions require you to agree to a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) declaring that you have the right to, and actually do, grant us the rights to use your contribution. For details, visit https://cla.microsoft.com.

When you submit a pull request, a CLA-bot will automatically determine whether you need to provide a CLA and decorate the PR appropriately (e.g., label, comment). Simply follow the instructions provided by the bot. You will only need to do this once across all repos using our CLA.

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact opencode@microsoft.com with any additional questions or comments.

For technical information about contributing, see CONTRIBUTING.md.