A simple ASP.NET Core Web API & MVC starter with MVC Based Authentication.
- dotnet sdk v2.2
- Your favorite editor / IDE (I prefer Visual Studio Code & Visual Studio 2019)
- Download the template (MVCWebApiStarter.zip)
- Install it
- Set these environment variables using user-secrets:
dotnet user-secrets set "ConnectionStrings:DefaultConn" "Data Source=App.db"
dotnet user-secrets set "Jwt:Issuer" "https://example.com"
dotnet user-secrets set "Jwt:Audience" "https://example.com"
dotnet user-secrets set "Jwt:SigningKey" "SUPERSECRETLONGSIGNINGKEY"
- Now, issue these commands in the project directory:
dotnet restore
dotnet build
dotnet ef database update
dotnet run
- Build amazing apps.
- Profit.