- 🔭 I’m currently a student at the School For Games in Berlin
- ⚡ Fun fact I use Linux to make games.
3D Multiplayer Survival, Sandbox made with the Unreal Engine 5.1
Stranded on a distant island with up to three friends. Explore your surroundings gather or hunt for food,
defend yourself from wild animals and survive the nights. Harvest trees to build your base for protection,
because you are not alone on this island..
- Building
- Survival
- Multiplayer
- Gameplay| AI Programmer
- Backend
- Generalist
Unreal Engine 5.1, Blueprints
Due to size this repo shows only the AI and Behavior-Tree implementation. If you want to see the full project please follow the installation instructions.
- Multiplayer Integration
- Implemented AI with
- Behavior Trees, EQS
- Locomotion
- Sound Effects
- Character
- Shooting mechanic
- Locomotion
- Day Night Cycle
Click on Play Here
- Download the Version for your System
- Extract to a folder
- Execute, Play and Have Fun!
Note that the source in this repository is licensed by the MIT license model and covers only
the source code in this repository.
All assets are from the Unreal Marketplace and have their own licenses.
This repository was created during my 3rd Semester Project at the School For Games in Berlin
and is maintained by René Hecker a.k.a. TheBitFossil.